Well, today has been busy, to say the least! Since I helped coach the morning class at CrossFit today, Keenan and I had to get out of the house (yet, again) quite quickly. It has been go-go-go for us all week!  I am looking forward to having some days next week where we don’t have to go anywhere and we can stay home and do some fun Fall/Halloween crafts! This week has been too busy for my liking!

Aside from today being busy, I have to say it was very productive! After helping to coach the morning class, I did my workout (another benchmark WOD, “Isabel,” which is 30 snatches for time at 95 lb for women), ran a couple of errands, prepped dinner, made lunch for Keenan and I, met with a financial  adviser that my husband set up, and cleaned house. Even though it was hectic, it felt good to get everything done! Now, I can finally sit down and relax (well, sort of, since I’m writing this!). Since my husband has to be out of town for business this weekend, we are planning to open a bottle of wine and catch-up on a few TV shows that we missed this week!

Even though today’s workout was short and sweet, it was a challenging one (one of the reasons why I love CrossFit)! I can only snatch up to 85 lbs and since my shoulder was still bothering me, I used 75 lbs for the WOD and finished in 4 minutes and 38 seconds, not bad, but not great. We’ll see how I do when we do it again in 6 weeks!

More about our today: For breakfast, we enjoyed the pumpkin almond flour muffins that Keenan and I made yesterday (to add more protein to the muffins, I added a scoop and a half of whey protein powder this time) with some strawberries. Since we were so pressed for time, I took my latte to go, which was perfect for our chilly Fall morning (I’m loving this weather!).

A perfect quick and nutritious breakfast!

Once we got home, Keenan and I played a bit with his car that we picked up at the store when we were running errands. Since Keenan is into cars, we can’t go ANYWHERE with toy cars without him wanting to play with them all! Sure enough, as we are walking to the vitamin section, there was a BIG display of little toy cars! Immediately, Keenan wanted to play with them all. Since he did really well at the gym, waiting for me in the kids area all by himself (since no other kids were there this morning) and it was going to be hard to leave the store without getting a car, I caved and we bought a little yellow VW bus. He was so excited, though it was funny, he couldn’t decide between the green or the yellow one. He kept going back and forth and finally, as it was our turn in line to pay at the register, he chose the yellow one (though, he keeps talking about the green one!). I like to give him a couple of choices here and there, so he feels like he’s making decisions, but this was the first time where he was truly indecisive! It was interesting…

Since our financial adviser appointment was at 1:00 p.m. today, I made Keenan a quick lunch of our “usual breakfast” and I tried something new for myself. I was inspired by Brittany to make her Pumpkin Pie Greek Yogurt. I changed some things up a bit and added 1 Tbsp flaxseed, 1 Tbsp chia seeds, 1 Tbsp Xylitol and 1/2 cup of canned pumpkin. I mixed in a half of a banana (sliced) and 1/2 cup of Kashi Go Lean Cereal. It tasted like pumpkin pie; it was SOOOOO yummy! I’ll definitely be making this again!

Yummm…pumpkin pie yogurt!

Once Keenan was up from his nap, we both munched on some Kettle Corn (thanks to Giselle for sharing some with us) while I finished cleaning.

For dinner, I made something new and perfect for our Fall weather, a roasted butternut squash salad with walnuts and feta cheese. It was such a satisfying and tasty dish! Another meal we will be adding to our “regulars!”

A perfect one-pot meal for Fall!

Roasted Butternut Squash Salad with Walnuts and Feta Cheese (serves 2-3):

Adapted from Food.com


– 1 butternut squash (cut into small cubes)

– 6-8 oz. of cooked chicken

– 1/4 cup roasted walnuts (chopped)

– 1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese

– 3 Tbsp olive oil

– 1/4 tsp salt

– 1 tsp pepper

– 1 tsp Italian seasoning

– 2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar

– 2-3 Tbsp of honey (depending on taste)


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Toss cubed butternut squash with 2 Tbsp olive oil, salt and 1/2 tsp pepper and Italian seasoning and spread out onto a baking sheet.

2. Roast prepared butternut squash for 40-45 minutes until golden brown and tender. Once done, set aside to cool.

3. Meanwhile chop cooked chicken into small pieces (or cubes) and toss into a large bowl. Add walnuts.

4. Add butternut squash, cheese and the rest of the ingredients into bowl and toss until well mixed. Divide amongst 2 or 3 plates and drizzle with a little extra balsamic vinegar (if desired).

*Notes: For added flavor, add chopped fresh sage to butternut squash before roasting. I didn’t do this, but I think it would add more richness and be really good! Also, if you don’t want to use feta cheese, goat cheese would also work.

Well, it’s time to enjoy some wine and catch-up on some TV! Night!

Question: How do you pick your battles/handle them with your children? Keenan is a fairly well tempered child, but he does have his moments here and there. It depends on the situation, but I feel it is better to pick my battles than really fight for something that is not that important in the long run. Is it right? I don’t know…

Before I forget, the WINNER of the Drink Chia giveaway is: Molly Helfman! Congrats! Please email me at fitnwellmommy@yahoo.com with your mailing address, so the Drink Chia folks can send you your goodies!