After Keenan woke up this morning, he immediately took all of his animals (that he sleeps with every night) and sat with them on the rocking chair and “rocked!” It was too cute!

Well, today was cleaning day…big excitement (not really)! Cleaning house, oh how I despise you! Though, I love having a clean house and keeping things neat (my husband thinks I’m a little too neat at times), I don’t particularly enjoy cleaning it! Who does? Needless to say, it is something that has to get done, and someone has to do it! Having a dirty house drives me nuts, so I stick to a pretty strict schedule of every other week. One day of cleaning every other week isn’t too bad, but I still don’t care for it!

Fortunately, my mom came-up for a visit today, so she and Keenan played while I cleaned upstairs. Once Keenan went down for a nap, I cleaned downstairs. Without having Keenan around, it makes things go SO much faster! He loves to help me “dust” and vacuum, which is nice (because he learns to clean and take care of things), but it takes twice as long to get everything done! Do your children like to help you clean? If so, how do you involve them?

Aside from cleaning, today was a typical day. Keenan and I ate our “usual” breakfast and I enjoyed my latte, of course. For lunch, I made my mom and I turkey sandwiches with lettuce, tomato and avocado on a sandwich thin, spread with jalapeno yogurt dip from Costco, with baby carrots and a nectarine. Keenan had a turkey melt with avocado and nectarine on the side.

Once Keenan woke-up from his nap, we headed to CrossFit for another amazing and brutal workout (200 pushups with a 15 minute time cap and 30 snatches: women weight: 75 lbs/ men weight: 115 lbs with a 10 minute time cap). After class, I snacked on a few almonds and dried fruit, since I stayed to help coach the beginner’s class. It was great to see new faces and feel the energy of so many people wanting to improve their health and fitness levels. It was also great experience/practice, since I’m getting my CrossFit Level 1 Certification in a month. After obtaining my certification, I hope to start coaching a couple of classes!

When I got home, my husband I made dinner, which consisted of grilled chicken with grilled eggplant on the side, drizzled with balsamic vinegar and a sprinkle of feta cheese. I complimented my dinner with a nice cold IPA from Stone Brewing Co.! After today’s workout, the beer tasted SO good! Sorry, yet again, I failed to take a picture of our dinner. I guess I enjoyed it a little too much!

Tomorrow is full of last minute errands before we pack and head to Alaska on Monday! Have a good night!