Well, so much for Keenan sleeping in (at least not at my parent’s house!)…today he promptly woke up at 6:30 a.m.! On top of waking up early, he didn’t fall asleep until 9:00 p.m. last night, due to a little fiasco of putting he and Maddie to bed in the same room. I thought Keenan was already asleep when we put Maddie to bed last night. As soon as my mom and Maddie walked in the room, Keenan stood up in the crib and was ready for play time! Needless to say, we didn’t have the two of them sleep in the same room, otherwise no one would get any sleep! As far as Keenan’s early wake-up goes, I think it is partly due to his teeth, and also being at my parent’s house. He has two molars coming in on the bottom, so he is constantly sticking his fingers in his mouth, not to mention being a little irritable. Also, for the past few days, he has only been napping for an hour to an hour-and-a-half (he usually sleeps at least 2 full hours!). I’m hoping after his teeth come in, he will go back to his normal sleeping habits (crossing my fingers!).

A quick picture before we headed up the road!

Since we have been at my parents’ house, we have been playing outside non-stop and enjoying the country. Every time we visit my parents’ house, it makes me want to move back to the country sooner, rather than later!

Yesterday, after Keenan and Maddie woke up from their naps, we went on a bike ride up the road (Keenan rode his trike and Maddie rode her bike) and on the way back, we stopped to pick peaches! Keenan thought the “mushy ones” on the ground were SO funny! He kept wanting to pick them up and make them even more mushier! I can’t wait to make a nice crisp or cobbler with some of the peaches this weekend! I am going to try making it with almond flour and Xylitol. I’ll let you know how it turns out!

Picking peaches!

After we got home, we made ice cream cones, cupcakes and cakes out of play doh.

Play doh time!

A little while later, we danced, sang and gave lots of love to the dogs, Lady (Rottweiler) and Princess (German Shepherd)!

Giving lots of love to the dogs!

Hugging Princess!

“Scratching” Lady’s back with the broom!

For dinner, my mom made roasted chicken with potatoes, broccoli and salad. She stuffed the chicken with lots of garlic and herbs, so it was perfectly juicy and full of flavor! Once again, I forgot to snap a picture, sorry!

After breakfast and a little playing outside, we went to the ranch so Keenan and Maddie could ride the tractor with Avo. At first, Keenan wasn’t sure about the whole thing, but after seeing Maddie on the tractor, he wanted to ride it, too! They also got to sit in the big tractor!

Maddie enjoying a tractor ride with Avo!

Enjoying his tractor ride with Avo!

Sitting in the big tractor!

After we were done with the tractors, we picked a LOT of tomatoes (Keenan wanted to pick the green ones!) and visited GG (my grandmother), who lives down the road.

Picking tomatoes!

When we got home, Keenan helped my mom pick a couple of pumpkins from her garden, to bring home to our house (we’ll save them for carving next month!).

Helping to pick some pumpkins!

For lunch, we had leftover chicken and broccoli with some slices of tomatoes and peaches. Since Maddie and Keenan finished all of their lunch (including all of their broccoli!), my mom made them small ice cream cones, before they went down for their naps.

We definitely had a busy, but fun-filled morning! Hopefully, with all of the activity, Keenan and Maddie will take long naps! Once Keenan gets up, will be heading home and I’m hoping to go to the later CrossFit class tonight. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon!

Question: Aside from eating peaches fresh, grilling them or making a crisp or cobbler, what other ways do you eat them? Since we have so many peaches, I’d love to try some new ways of cooking/baking them. Also, how do you like to use fresh vine-ripend tomatoes? We picked two big bags full, so I’m thinking of roasting and grilling some. I would love to find other ways to cook/eat them (aside from adding them to salads or pasta dishes).