Happy Monday! I don’t know about you, but this weekend went by way too fast! With my cousin’s fiance’s bridal shower on Saturday, it made for a very busy (but fun!) weekend. After coaching the early morning CrossFit class and seeing Greg and Steve, the rest of Friday was filled with running errands, setting everything up and prepping some of the food for the shower.

All dressed up and ready for the Greg and Steve concert!

All dressed up and ready for the concert. If he had it his way, he would have brought his guitar to the concert to play along with Greg and Steve!

The shower went very well and everyone loved the food! My mom made an amazing tomato basil soup that we served with cubes of freshly baked french bread. I completely forgot to take a picture of it, sorry! To go with it, I made a strawberry pear spinach salad with chicken, roasted walnuts, dried cherries, feta cheese and a balsamic vinaigrette. My mom also made croissants to serve alongside everyone’s lunch.  For dessert, my mom made her wonderful berry torte with whipped cream. Oh, how I wish I could have tasted the french bread in the soup, the croissant, feta cheese and dessert…darn Paleo Challenge!

SO delicious, I just wish I could have enjoyed mine with feta cheese!

SO delicious, I just wish I could have enjoyed mine with feta cheese!

At least this is our last week of the challenge. We only have five days left, ending this coming Saturday! I didn’t realize how much I missed the flexibility of being able to eat anything (in moderation, of course!) until this past weekend. It certainly made it hard to stick to my Paleo way of eating with all of the delicious food around me. I LOVE feta cheese, especially in salads and the smell of freshly baked bread  was so tempting. Up until this weekend, following the Paleo way of eating hasn’t been too difficult at all, since we eat “clean” on a regular basis. But, hosting a party and being around wonderful foods that aren’t Paleo made me realize how challenging it really is to cut out whole food groups and stick to a specific diet. I don’t know how people do it! More to come on this in my summary post, after our challenge is finished…

Before this post becomes too long, I am excited to host another Drink Chia giveaway!  Drink Chia contacted me a couple of weeks ago and offered to send more lucky readers some of their sample packs, as a thank you to everyone for participating in the last giveaway that I hosted with them in October. To extend their gratitude and show appreciation, they are offering  to send 13 lucky readers a sample pack of their delicious and nutritious drinks! Yes, that is right, 13 lucky readers will win!! Since I love Drink Chia’s products (and chia seeds in general!) and their company’s mission, I am happy to host another giveaway.

The line-up!

The line-up!

Here’s how to enter:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

*The winners are: Laura @ Mommy Run Faster, Renata, Denise Harakal, Michelle @ Eat Move Balance, Jennifer Hernandez, Julie M, Alicia @ Blessed and Blissful, Melissa Johnston, Deborah Neal, Lindsay, Danielle K, Giselle @ My Healthy Happy Home and Ttrockwood! Please email me your contact info at melissa@fitnwellmommy.com, so Drink Chia can send our your samples!