I hope you had a nice holiday weekend! We had a fun whirlwind of a weekend, which is why I was MIA yesterday. Since we were at my parents’ house for Easter, we stayed one more night to visit our new house and see what things we want to get done before moving. I’m excited to move into our new home, but SO overwhelmed with everything that we need to do in the next couple of months; it is going to be busy!

Anyhow, on Friday, we met my in-laws at Lake Berryessa and stayed the night in a cute little lakeside cottage. The weather was so nice that we were able to barbecue and eat all of our meals outside (including a decadent chocolate peanut butter pie that my mother-in-law made and I forgot to take a picture of!). It was so relaxing sitting out on the deck reading and just gazing into the water. Keenan enjoyed a pre-Easter egg hunt, finding goodies in his Elmo basket, making fresh squeezed orange juice with Grandpa and a fun art project with Grandma and Aunt Patty.

Easter Fun

Having so much at the lake!

He had such a good time that as soon as we got into the car on Saturday afternoon to head to my parents’, he fell asleep within minutes! Oh and Keenan slept with my in-laws (in between them in their bed) on Friday night! I know, crazy! When we were getting ready for bed, he climbed onto my in-law’s bed and was pretending to sleep. So, my father-in-law asked him if he wanted to sleep with them, which he was excited to do and for the first time, he slept between my in-laws the entire night without waking up! My husband and I have never co-slept with Keenan, so when he has woken up really early in the past, we have tried to put him in our bed to go back to sleep, but he has only wanted to play. Needless to say, we are still very surprised that he actually fell asleep with Grandma and Grandpa…which gives us hope the next time he wakes up at the crack of dawn!

At my parents’, we went to our Easter vigil church service late on Saturday night and Keenan was a trooper. Poor thing, he was SO tired, but he managed to sit through the entire thing (well snuggle in my arms!).

All ready for Church!

All ready for church!

On Sunday morning, he was SUPER excited to see what the Easter Bunny left him.

Keenan's Easter basket!

Keenan’s Easter basket!

When he saw Elmo in his basket (Tickle Me Elmo that my friend, Elisa, gave me), he was a little apprehensive and when I turned him on, he wasn’t sure what to think. After that first  time, he continued to press Elmo’s tummy and make him laugh over and over, while laughing and jumping himself! It was too cute! I never realized what the Tickle Me Elmo craze was all about  a few years ago, but now I see why parents were buying them like crazy. It is fun to see Keenan’s reaction and have so much fun when he “tickles” Elmo!

So excited about Elmo!

So excited about Elmo!

After seeing Elmo, Keenan couldn’t wait to go hunt for eggs outside. He did a good job of finding all of the eggs all by himself!

Hunting for eggs!

Hunting for eggs!

After our egg hunt, my grandparents and uncle came over for a wonderful brunch that my mom made (sorry, I completely forgot to take a picture of our food, yet again!).

Though it was a busy weekend with lots of driving, we all had a wonderful time seeing both of our parents and Keenan especially enjoyed himself! With the combination of lack of sleep and chocolate from Easter, he was so overtired when he went to bed last night that it took him about 45 minutes to fall asleep, but he was definitely a happy boy!

Well, that’s it for today. We are leaving for a family vacation with my parents and brother’s family on Friday, so I have a lot to do this week, so I better get going! Have a great day!

Also, if you haven’t already, there is still time to enter my “200 Likes on Fit ‘n’ Well Mommy’s Facebook Fan Page Giveaway” and win 2 bags of Angie’s Popcorn! Contest ends tomorrow night at 8 p.m. PST! To enter, click here.


– What did you do for Easter?

– Did you enjoy any special holiday eats? If so, what was your favorite thing that you ate? I LOVED my mother-in-law’s chocolate peanut butter pie and my mom’s egg casserole, YUM!!