First off, I want to thank Laura and Jessie for filling in for me the past couple of days while Keenan and I were in Oregon visiting our friends! I hope you enjoyed reading their wonderful guest posts!

Secondly, today was Keenan’s first day of preschool! I still can’t believe it. My baby boy is growing up too fast! He had a lot of fun and enjoyed meeting new friends and playing with all of the “fun toys” (as he said). After staying for a little while, I told him that I needed to run some errands and I would be back in a bit. He said “Okay and “bye, bye Mommy,” and he was fine. I think I was more nervous and apprehensive than he was! But, I’m glad and relieved that he had a good time and looks forward to going back!

First Day of Preschool

Furthermore, I was going to do my usual What I Ate Wednesday post with all of the yummy eats we enjoyed over the long weekend, such as our traditional peach milkshakes and my friend’s delicious homemade berry pie, but I did’t bring my big camera and I forgot to take pictures with my phone, ugh!

So, I’ll just give a little recap of all the fun we had the past four days (fortunately, my friend took a lot of pictures and I was able to get copies from her!).

Keenan had a blast playing with his friend, Naomi, and her big brother, Noah! Since it was so late when we got to my friends’ house last Friday, I immediately put Keenan to bed on the floor in Naomi’s room. When he woke up in the morning (5:15 am!), he was in hog heaven with all of the toys she had to play with! His first words when he woke up were, “Mommy, she has a beautiful kitchen!” So, the two of them played in her room everyday from the moment they woke up to dinner time! It was too cute!

Naomi and Keenan also took baths together every night, giggling and taking turns “shampooing” their hair with bubbles and “rinsing!”

Bath time!

We also went to the park and the two of them enjoyed swinging together.

Swinging at the park

All three of them had fun on the tire swing!

Tire swing

On our last night there, we made peach milkshakes, a long time tradition that started with my friend’s grandfather making them for us when we were kids. Since the peaches are so juicy, we just combine the peaches with vanilla bean ice cream in the blender and they are good to do! Keenan and Naomi loved their shakes and practically drank every last drop!

Peach milkshakes

Last but not least, this visit was especially special, because my friend and I are both pregnant (she is 25 weeks with her third and I’m 16 weeks with my second, of course). Our moms’ pregnancies with us overlapped (which is why we call each other fetus buddies!), and we are finally pregnant at the same time! Even though Keenan and Naomi are only a little over a year a part, it will be nice to have our next babies so close in age!

Pregnant bellies

We had wonderful time and out little extended weekend was too short, as always. It would be nice to live closer to each other, but in the meantime, we will cherish our memories forever and look forward to seeing each other again, soon!


What did you do over the long weekend? 

Do you have any childhood friends that you are still good friends with today?

How long have you known your best friend?