Look who was trying to do some yoga this morning? “Peanut” got into our family yoga game (which is a fun game to play with your kids and more to come on that soon!) last night and Keenan thought it was the funniest thing! He kept asking how she got the cards out and why she wanted to play it by herself!

Elf on the shelf

I don’t know about you, but I look forward to the holidays because of all of the goodies that are only made this time of year, not to mention seeing all of my family. I allow myself to indulge and enjoy this time, but if I’m not careful I’ll pay for it come the New Year (this year is a little different, since I’m pregnant!). So, I thought it would be helpful to put together five simple tips to help you navigate through your next holiday party without feeling deprived and/or guilty.

5 tips to survive holiday parties

1. Balance: If you want to splurge on a tasty treat, go for it, but balance it with the rest of what you will be eating that day. For example, if you know you will be having a piece of your aunt’s infamous cheesecake after dinner, eat a little less at lunch or dinner (or skip your afternoon snack) to allow room for the dessert you will be eating later.

2. Plan: Before heading to the holiday party, eat a light, but protein packed snack, such as an apple with one tablespoon of nut butter, a small handful of almonds or a thin slice of cheese with a piece of fruit so you are not ravenous by the time you arrive, which will prevent you from over-indulging.

3. Portion Control: Everyone has their favorite “must-have” items this time of year, but don’t go overboard. We tend to eat with our eyes, instead of our stomachs. Only serve yourself small (handful size) portions of your favorite foods, so you don’t fill-up, but you still feel satisfied. Just a bite of something is really all that we need, but our brains trick us into needing more.

4. Fill-up: After you put your favorite item(s) on your plate, stock-up on healthier items, such veggies, fruit, crackers and lean protein to help you fill-up without going overboard on other non-healthier items.

5. Moderation: If you can’t resist all of the wonderful treats during the holidays (like me!), everything in moderation is okay. Use your hand as a guide for gauging portions. Have one serving of everything, but only the amount you could comfortably fit in the palm of your hand (not your fist), so you don’t guilty or that you are depriving yourself.

I hope these are helpful, but most importantly, make sure to enjoy the holidays and if you over-indulge today, don’t beat yourself up. Just get back on track tomorrow!

Before I go, I want to leave you with this (though I know it’s been around for a while, I just came across it and I love it!)…




I’m not an advocate for emotional eating, but who says a little dessert doesn’t help ease the stress of the holidays!

Have a good one!


What are you favorite “must-have” holiday foods?

Any tips tips that you use or follow to stay healthy during this holiday season?