Happy Friday! I can’t believe the first week of June has already come and gone. The weeks seem to go by faster and faster these days. In two months Keenan will turn three and start preschool, crazy! Where did the time go?

Anyhow, I have a busy day ahead of me of coaching CrossFit this morning, doing my WOD, heading to our new house to do some things and then spend the rest of the afternoon at my parents’ for swimming and a barbecue. It should be fun!

Well, let’s get right to Friday Favorites! If you missed last week’s favorites, you can check them out here. If you are new here, every Friday is a chance to slow down among the craziness of life, reflect back on the week and cherish some of your favorite moments and eats. I hope you will join me and share some of your favorites by linking up below!

Favorite Moments:

Making Yogurt Breakfast Parfaits with Keenan!

Yogurt Breakfast Parfait For Kids

Making birthday and Father’s Day cards and pictures.

Homemade Father's Day and Birthday Cards

Playing with Giselle’s little guy at the fountains. Keenan was SO excited to play in the water; it was too cute!

Playing in the water

Favorite Eats:

Roasted Butternut Squash Salad (my favorite meal this week!).

Savory Roasted Butternut Squash Salad

Slow-Cooker Garlic Wine Lemon Chicken Pork and grilled organic carrots with a balsamic glaze.

Grilled Carrots

Green bean salad with cherry tomatoes, onions, chopped chicken, slivered almonds and feta cheese.

Green Bean Salad

Have a wonderful weekend!

It’s YOUR turn! What were some of your favorite moments and eats from this past week? Join the link up, or share some of them below in the comments!

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