It’s been a busy day of cleaning and organizing over here (with plenty more to do!), but I’m looking forward to seeing our good friends tomorrow, spending some quality time catching up while the kiddos play and eating yummy food! All of this work today makes tomorrow SO worth it!

Anyhow, since it’s Friday, you know the drill…it’s time for another edition of Friday Favorites! If you are new here, every Friday is a chance to slow down among the craziness of life, reflect back on the week and cherish your favorite moments, eats and/or workouts. I hope you will join me and share some of your favorites by linking up below!

Favorite Moment:

Keenan taking my words literally of “picking up his toys” so I could mop the floor in his room this morning. He didn’t just pick up the toys that he was playing with, he took every toy out and dumped them all on his bed! It gave me a good laugh!

Toddler cleaning his room

Favorite Eat:

One of my new Summer favorites, Grilled Green Beans and Peaches!

Grilled Green Bean and Peach Salad

Favorite Workout:

Monday’s Chipper WOD that I created:

100 Double unders

80 Sit-ups

60 Goblet squats

40 Push ups

20 Pistols

Enjoy your weekend!

It’s YOUR turn! What were some of your favorite moments, eats or workouts from this past week? Join the link up, or share some of them below in the comments!

*REMINDER: If you haven’t already, make sure to enter my Energybits giveaway! Click here to enter!