TGIF!! I’m SO excited for this afternoon and weekend! My husband and I have a date night planned for tonight that includes a couples massage (thanks to Groupon!) and dinner afterwards. Keenan is staying with my parents for the night, whoohoo! Tomorrow afternoon, we are heading to my parents to stay the night and on Sunday, my mom and I are having a “girls day” at the spa at Wine and Roses in Lodi for my birthday (my birthday is on Sunday and I still can’t believe I will be 31!). It should be a lot of fun, and I can’t wait for some MUCH NEEDED pampering and relaxation!!

Since it is Friday, it is time for “Friday Favorites!” If you didn’t see last week’s post, I decided to start a new theme for my Friday’s posts. Every Friday, I plan to reflect back on my favorite moments and eats from the past week, as part of my new focus of living more in the present and cherishing each and every moment (living more the Alaska way).

Favorite Moments:

  • Trick-or-treating with Keenan and seeing him so excited and happy!
  • Keenan and my mom playing together and being silly!
  • My husband and Keenan playing the guitar together!
  • Playing with Keenan in his sandbox and cuddling with Slinky!
  • Keenan and I creating our own version of “Rockabye Baby,” except calling it “Rockabye Potty” and turning it into a potty song for potty training!

Favorite Eats:

  • Popcorn!

After looking back at this week’s eats, I definitely need to try a few new things next week. My favorite eats from last week were pretty much the same this week (but they were SO good!).  🙂

Since our massage appointments are later this afternoon, I need to keep today’s post short, so I can finish up a few things and take a shower. I went to CrossFit this morning and got a great circuit workout in of medicine ball cleans, rope climbs, GHD sit-ups, push presses (55 lb), over-the-box jumps and sumo deadlift high pulls of 50 lbs. We did 1 minute at each station (doing as many reps as you could in that minute) for 3 rounds. The left side of my lower back is still sore, so I’m looking forward to my massage later! Tomorrow, everyone who is competing in the next few weeks is meeting up to do a couple of WODs. I want to go, but I’m going to see how my back feels in the morning.

Well, have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend!

Question: What were some of your favorite moments and eats from this past week?