TGIF! I’m SO excited it is Friday because my husband and I are heading to Auburn, a small town in the foothills east of Sacramento, tomorrow to have dinner at Carpe Vino and stay the night at a cute little B&B. It is my in-law’s gift to us for Christmas. In addition, Keenan is staying the night at their house. After this week, my husband and I are both looking forward to a much needed night out. He has had a busy week and I’ve been spending my evenings doing blog and business stuff, as well as learning all about my new laptop. It will be nice to relax and spend some quality time together!

Since we are doing our Paleo Challenge (on day five and going strong!), it is going to make our night out a little challenging. We both want to stick to our challenge, but we also don’t want to hold ourselves back from trying some wonderful food (especially since it is our Christmas gift!). So, we have decided that we are going to try our best to make “Paleo choices” based on Carpe Vino’s menu, but if there is an awesome dish that we must-have, we are going to enjoy it. It is only one night and we will get back to our Challenge on Sunday morning.

Anyhow, it has been almost a month since I’ve done my Friday Favorites post, so I’d like to kick off the first one of the new year today!

Favorite Moments:

  • While reading a bedtime story with Keenan on Monday night, he kept sticking his finger in his nose and I kept telling him to take his fingers out. As I was reading a page, I noticed he was holding his finger up with something on it (a booger that I later realized, YUCK!), so I asked him what it was and he replied, “It’s from my nose” and proceeded to wipe it on my shirt! It was pretty funny and surprising that he said that. My husband and I both laughed so hard, we were crying! Kids truly say the darnedest things!
  • Keenan doing his “workouts” as he calls them, before bed, after reading a story. This past week, he has wanted to do his “workouts” every night, mimicking my husband and I doing squats burpees and leg swings. It is too funny!
  • Today, while baking our Paleo Raisin Cookies (using my Paleo Chocolate Chip Protein Cookie recipe but omitting the whey protein powder and chocolate), he put his “Baba” in his shirt and said he had a baby in his tummy like his Auntie Mimi, who is expecting a baby next month!

    "Baba" in his tummy and fresh basked Paleo Raisin Cookies!

    “Baba” in his tummy and fresh basked Paleo Raisin Cookies!

Favorite Eats:

  • “Pasta” with my homemade pasta sauce

    So good...spahagetti squash with my homemade pasta sauce!

    So good… spaghetti squash with pasta sauce!

  • Sauteed brussel sprouts with onions, bacon and pine nuts

    Such a hearty and satisfying one-pot Paleo meal!

    Such a hearty and satisfying one-pot Paleo meal!

  • My husband’s scrambled eggs with bacon and spinach that he made this morning!

    My husband makes the best scrambled eggs!

    My husband makes some of the best scrambled eggs!

Since I coached the early morning CrossFit class today and already got my WOD in, I am looking forward to enjoying our nice (but chilly!) weather by taking Keenan on a ride on his trike (while I walk) when he wakes up in a bit! Oh and before I forget, we are trying a new recipe experiment tonight…coconut flour tortillas to go with our chicken fajitas. I’ll keep you posted as to how they turn out!

Enjoy the rest of your afternoon and have a wonderful weekend!


– What were your favorite moments and eats from this week?

– Do you have any fun plans for the weekend?

– Would you like to see posts with CrossFit workout ideas that you can do at home?

REMINDER: There is still time to enter a chance to win a 32 oz. jar of Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil! Contest ends Jan. 16th at midnight PST!! Click here to enter!