Happy Friday! It has been one busy week. I’m SO ready for the weekend! My body is tired, too, so I’m looking forward to a couple of days to recover. This morning, I coached the early class and since it was a partner WOD and we only had one person today, I did the workout, too (I was planning on waiting until the evening). On top of that, since I missed Monday’s WOD of “Death by Barbell” since I was sick, I did that at noon today with a friend from our box (5 rounds for time with a 20 min. cap of 15 deadlifts, 12 hang cleans, 9 front squats and 6 jerks of 95 lbs for women). Needless to say, my body needs a rest. Since our team competition is next weekend, I want to rest up for that, work hard during the earlier part of next week, and take Thursday and Friday off. I’m excited for our competition, but I’ll be glad when it is over (I know, I always say that!).

I wish our weekend included a little more relaxing, but tomorrow we need to get ready for hosting a “post holiday” dinner with my husband’s family on Sunday. It will be fun to see everyone, but our Saturday is going to be filled with cooking, some cleaning and getting ready for everyone to come over.

Anyhow, since I used yesterday’s post to put on my Health and Wellness Expert Hat, today’s post is much more fun–though no less important–because it is…Friday Favorites! I love Friday, because it gives me a chance to reflect back on the week and think about my favorite moments and yummy things that I ate.

Favorite Moments:

– Having Play Doh time with Keenan and making mustaches!

Trying to "wear" his mustache (though you can't really see it)!

Trying to “wear” his mustache (though you can’t really see it)!

– Watching Keenan try to stuff “Baba” in his PJ’s to try and mimic his Auntie Mimi, who is expecting a baby in a couple of weeks.

Having "Baba" as his baby in his tummy like his Auntie Mimi!

Having “Baba” as his baby in his tummy like his Auntie Mimi!

Keenan playing his guitar naked and singing “Naked Boy!”

Favorite Eats:

Paleo Eggplant Chicken Stir-Fry with Asian Cabbage Salad

Paleo Eggplant Chicken Stir-Fry with Asian Cabbage Salad

-Mocha Latte: Dark chocolate and unsweetened almond milk mixed with espresso

My new favorite morning coffee ritual!

My new favorite morning coffee ritual!

– Roasted Red Kuri Squash with lemon garlic chicken in the crock pot

Topped with coconut oil, salt and pepper, before going into the oven. It was SO good!

Topped with coconut oil, salt and pepper, before going into the oven. It was SO good!

Paleo One-Pot Meal: Green Beans with Bacon

A delicious and simple one-pot meal!

A delicious and simple one-pot meal!

That’s it for today!  Well, it’s time to do some baking. We are going to make some more cookies (Keenan’s request), and possibly some new Paleo Muffins. Stay tuned for the recipes!

Have a great weekend!

Questions: What were some of your favorite moments from this week? What was your favorite meal or food that you ate this week?