TGIF! I’m SO happy it is the weekend and SUPER excited to have another niece! My sister-in-law had her baby this morning!! It was so cute, we talked with my niece tonight, and she was such a proud older sister that the first thing she said was, “Mina (what she calls me), I have a beautiful baby sister and she looks like me!”

After hearing such great news, our day only got better by taking Keenan to see Greg and Steve in concert. If you haven’t heard of the awesome duo, they produce and perform children music across the country. I don’t know how they still do it, because they were around when I was in preschool. I remember taking field trips to see them! We have a few of their CDs, and Keenan LOVES listening (and dancing) to them. Seeing Greg and Steve in concert was a real  treat for Keenan. He was mesmerized by them, the lights, the music (especially, since they play the guitar) and all of the kids that were in the audience. He was dancing and bouncing to the beat the whole time!

Anyhow, since it is Friday, it is time for another edition of Friday Favorites!

Favorite Moments:

– Making Valentine’s Day cards with Keenan.

So proud of his cards!

So proud of his cards!

– Keenan making towers out of our funnels!

Keenan had so much making his "funnel towers" and playing with my husband's empty vitamin box!

Keenan was so serious about making his “funnel towers” and playing with my husband’s empty vitamin box!

– Taking Keenan for a ride on his trike and he peddling all by himself for the first time!

Favorite Eats:

Cilantro Lime Spaghetti Squash with Chicken



Paleo Shephed’s Pie

Paleo Shepards' Pie

Healthy comfort food for a cold winter night!

Paleo Cinnamon Apple Pancake

A new household favorite for breakfast!

A new household favorite for breakfast!

Well, it is time to set-up and prep for my cousin’s finance’s bridal shower that my mom and I are hosting tomorrow. We are making a tomato basil soup with a strawberry spinach chicken salad on the side. I’m bummed that I can’t taste my mom’s dessert, a wonderful berry torte with homemade whipped cream. She is making it now and it smells and looks SO good!

Have a great weekend!

Questions: What was one of your favorite moments and eats from this week? Are you planning to watch the Super Bowl on Sunday? If so, are you making any special foods? My husband isn’t really into football, so we probably won’t be watching it, except for the half-time show and commercials!