TGIF! I’m so glad it is Friday because we are heading to the beach for our family vacation today! With our pending move and trying to find tenants for our current house, things have been a little stressful to say the least, so my husband and I are looking forward to a little break! Also, it will be nice to spend a week by the sea with all of my family. My brother, sister-in-law and nieces are flying in from Montreal tomorrow, so it will fun to see them (and meet our newest niece who was born in February!).

Anyhow, since I still have a little bit of packing to do, I’m going to keep today’s Friday Favorites post short and sweet. If you are new here, every Friday is a chance to reflect back on the week and cherish some of your favorite moments and eats. I hope you will join me and link up with some of your favorites!

Favorite Moments:

– Keenan and his best friend, Dries, having dinner together on Monday night, while his parents had a night out to celebrate their anniversary. It was too cute; they were laughing and talking to each other while they ate!

They had so much fun eating at Keenan's table!

They had so much fun eating at Keenan’s table!

– Cuddling in bed and reading books with Keenan before starting our day.

– Keenan eating lunch with “Baba!”

Keenan insisted "Baba" had to have lunch, too!

Keenan insisted “Baba” had to have lunch, too!

Favorite Eats:

– Flaxseed Protein Pancakes from Karey at Nutty About Health. The only thing that I did differently was add a tablespoon of chia seeds, a sprinkle of cinnamon and subbed 2 tablespoons of Xylitol for stevia. I also used coconut oil to grease the griddle.  They turned out so well! If you haven’t checked out Karey’s blog, I highly recommend it, because she has some great recipes!

These were such a hit! I'll definitely be making these again!

I never thought to use flaxseed as the base, but it worked really well. I’ll definitely be making these again!

Lemon Garlic Chicken with roasted broccoli, tomatoes and red onions topped with balsamic vinegar and feta cheese.

So easy and so good!

So simple, but so good!

– Enjoying a big salad for lunch everyday this week that included turkey or leftover chicken, a hard boiled egg, carrots, tomatoes, avocados, peperoncinis, and sprouted pumpkin seeds.

I love my HUGE salads!

I love my HUGE salads!

Before I forget, yesterday was the last workout of the CrossFit OpenWOD 13.5. The workout was four minutes of 15 thrusters at 65 lbs and 15 chest-to-bar pull-ups, doing as many reps as possible. If you completed 90 reps in the four minutes, the workout continues onto eight minutes and so on (giving you a four minute bonus for every three rounds completed). It was definitely hard, but I was able to get 59 reps. Our coach had us do the full eight minutes (only recording our score for the first four minutes), so I was able to get a total of 99 reps, which wasn’t too bad, but I’m glad it is over! I look forward to seeing how I did compared to last year’s Open.

Okay, enough CrossFit, it’s time to load up the car. Since we will be at the beach next week, I’ll be a little MIA, as I’m going to do my best to “unplug.” I’ll try to post when I can, but once we are back, I’ll be sure to post a recap! Have a great weekend!

Now, it’s YOUR turn: Link up your favorite moments and eats from this week, or share some of them below in the comments!