Happy Friday! I hope everyone is having a great day. It is such a beautiful day here, sunny and about 71 degrees! I’m looking forward to taking Keenan for a ride on his trike this afternoon and enjoying this nice weather, once he wakes up from his nap. Anyhow, we are doing MUCH better over here. Keenan is almost back to feeling 100%, he just has a little bit of a runny nose, my husband is back to normal and I still have a slight stuffy nose.

Since Keenan was doing much better today, we finally ventured out of the house and met up with his favorite buddy, Dries, and his mom for some coffee at a local coffee shop. It was our first time having coffee while the boys sat and played, so we weren’t sure how it would go. But, I have to say, the boys did really well! We each brought some toys and coloring supplies, and they kept busy while doing a good job of sharing. There were a couple of times when we had to intervene, but for the most part, they played very well together. It was a fun morning!

Since it’s Friday, it is time for another edition of “Friday Favorites,” reflecting back on the week and cherishing some of my favorite moments and eats. One of my goals for 2013 is to live more in the present, enjoying each and every moment, which is why I started this weekly post. Time flies by way too fast, so it’s  important to slow down every now and then and truly appreciate life!

Favorite Moments:

– Keenan and Daddy playing “doctor!”

Giving a check-up to all of his "critters!"

Giving a check-up to all of his “critters!”

– Finger-painting a picture for an upcoming birthday gift.

Our little artist in training!

Our little artist in training!

– Keenan thinking it was SO funny to wear my husband’s boxers last night before bed (telling us that he was definitely feeling better!).

Having so much fun dancing around in Daddy's boxers!

Having so much fun dancing around in Daddy’s boxers!

Favorite Eats:

Spaghetti Squash Tomato Bake with Turkey Chicken (Southwest/Mexican style with black beans, onions, salsa and cheddar cheese).

I forgot to take a picture when it first came out of the oven, sorry!

It was SO good that I can’t wait to make it this way again!

No Oat Oatmeal with leftover roasted butternut squash, apples and walnuts.

The squash, apples and walnuts added so much richness to my usual No Oat Oats!

The roasted squash, apples and walnuts added such a wonderful richness to my usual No Oat Oats! I’ll definitely be doing this again.

– *A NEW one-pot meal recipe on the blog (but an old one for us!): Roasted Asparagus Pasta with Feta Cheese (my husband’s favorite pasta dish!).



Oh, and if you are looking for a workout idea to do this weekend, check out the CrossFit Home or Travel WOD #5 that I posted yesterday!

Well, Keenan is just waking up, so it is time to head outside! Have a wonderful weekend!


– What was one of your favorite moments from this past week?

– What was your favorite meal that you ate this week?

– How do you like to prepare Asparagus? Asparagus is one my favorite veggies, so I love to prepare it all different ways, but grilling is probably my favorite!