Happy Friday! Are you one of the lucky ones who has Monday off in honor of Veteran’s Day?

I’m SO excited it is Friday because we have some fun things planned for the weekend and today is my feature post for Fitblogger!! If you haven’t checked it out, you can see my post here. I was so thrilled to be asked to be a featured blogger! Fitblogger is a community of healthy living bloggers. It is a place to meet other bloggers, support one another and gain great information pertaining to health, fitness and  blogging.

Fitness Blog

As for the weekend, we are doing a little more celebrating for my birthday, starting with tomorrow at my in-laws. My mother-in-law is making a special brunch for my birthday with the most yummiest beverage ever, Cafe Bon, a mocha mixed with Amarula (a liquor similar to Kahlua) with homemade whipped cream! I can’t wait! On Sunday, we are going wine tasting in Amador County with some friends. My husband is planning it, so I’m not sure what all he has planned; it should be fun!

Tonight, we are going to have an “at home date night” after Keenan goes to bed, catching-up on our favorite TV shows that we missed during the week. I’m not sure what we are having for dinner: either stuffed bell peppers (since I have a couple that need to be used) or something with sweet potatoes. We’ll see…

This morning, I went to the box to do some skill work of cleans, squat cleans and split jerks. We are heading back to the box this afternoon for the WOD. My shoulders are definitely feeling it from this morning, so this afternoon shall be interesting! At least I have two days off!

Now, onto “Friday Favorites!” If you missed my post from a couple of weeks ago, I decided to start a new theme for my Friday’s posts. Every Friday, I plan to reflect back on my favorite moments and eats from the past week, as part of my new focus of living more in the present and cherishing each and every moment.

Favorite Moments:

  • Keenan having fun taking a bubble bath!
  • Playing piano and singing with Keenan. He even made “Baba” play the piano!
  • Keenan sporting his new “Elmo” outfit, thanks to Nonna!

Favorite Eats:

Have a great weekend!

Questions: What were some of your favorite moments and eats from this week? Any suggestions on what to do with two green bell peppers or sweet potatoes for our dinner tonight?

*REMINDER: There is still time to enter the Fiber Gourmet giveaway! Contest ends Nov. 13th at 8 p.m. PST!! To enter, click here!