TGIF! I’m SO excited it is Friday, because my friend and her daughter are coming into town this afternoon! They are spending the next three days with us, so it will be a lot of fun catching-up, watching chick flicks, eating popcorn and having some much needed girl time while the kiddos are asleep. My husband is actually going to a sporting expo this weekend, so it will just be the girls and Keenan (of course!). Since the weather is supposed to be nice, we are planning on taking the kids to the Zoo, getting ice cream, playing in the park and possibly having a picnic. It should be a lot of fun!

Anyhow, since my friend and her daughter are arriving later today, I’m going to keep today’s post short and sweet, as I have to finish cleaning and running errands before they come. Since it is Friday, it is time for another round of Friday FavoritesBut, I’m super excited to start this weekly post as a fun new link-up! If you are new here, every Friday I reflect back on the week and cherish some of my favorite moments and eats. I hope you will join me and do the same!

Favorite Moments:

Playing at the park!

Having so much fun!

Having so much fun!

Keenan cuddling with “Baba!”

He just loves his "Baba!"

He just loves his “Baba!”

Keenan “sleeping” on his cousin’s bed (one of our camp pads), that she used while she stayed with us. He certainly missed her!

This was right before his nap, so he was pretty tired, but he was also sad to see his cousin leave!

This was right before his nap so he was pretty tired, but he was also sad to see his cousin leave!

Wearing his Dr. Seuss hat in honor of Dr. Seuss’s birthday, that we put together today, thanks to my friend, Elisa!

Dr. Seuss Hat

So proud of his hat!

Favorite Eats:

Egg whites in a mug over baby spinach, tomato, avocado, my pasta sauce and sprouted pumpkin seeds that I enjoyed for lunch a couple days this week.

IMG_9929 3.7.13

One of my favorite lunches!

Lauren’s Peanut Butter and Banana Protein Pancakes.

Great flavor, but a little too dry.

Great flavor, but a little too dry.


Leftover spaghetti squash from Wednesday’s dinner (Mediterranean Chicken in the Crock Pot) with baby spinach, avocado and my pasta sauce that I ate yesterday for lunch.

So good!

So good!

Paleo Chocolate Chip (and raisin) Protein Cookies!


So yummy!

So yummy!

Before I forget, I did WOD 13.1 yesterday afternoon and I didn’t do too bad. I was able to get 150 reps and one attempt at the 100 lb. snatch. I was happy with my score, but I really wanted to get another try at that snatch!

Well, that’s it for today. Have a wonderful weekend! I’ll be back on Tuesday, as I’m going to remain “unplugged” for the next three days while my friend and her daughter are here.

It is YOUR turn: Link up your favorite moments and eats from this week, or share some of them below in the comments!

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