TGIF! I’m looking forward to the weekend, because it has been a LONG  week, especially with Keenan waking up during the night everyday this week; I’m exhausted! We are planning to stay home and do things around the house, i.e. work in our front yard (that desperately needs our attention!) and starting seedlings with Keenan to grow a vegetable garden at my parents’ house. Even though we enjoyed our time at the coast last weekend, it will be nice to be home this weekend and spend some quality family time together!

We are kicking off the weekend with dinner with our friends tonight. My husband is making an Asian soup with salmon and sweet potatoes, along with coconut sticky rice with mango for dessert. Since it is Lent, we can’t eat meat on Fridays, so my husband was a little bummed, but I think the salmon will be good. Look for the recipes next week!

Since it is Friday, it’s time to reflect back on the week for some favorite moments and eats for “Friday Favorites!”

Favorite Moments:

– Keenan and my husband eating breakfast together.

Keenan and Daddy eating breakfast

Keenan eating his No Oat Oatmeal while Daddy ate Cheerios!

– While Keenan was saying his bedtime prayers last night, he added all by himself, “Please help daddy’s ouchie on his leg (rope burn from rope climbs the other day) get better and help my ouchie on my arm (small scrape) get better, too!” It was too cute!

– My husband and I having “stare downs” with Keenan before his bedtime!

Having a stare down with Daddy!

Having a “stare down” with Daddy!

Favorite Eats (and drinks):

Paleo Good Morning Muffins with strawberries.

These are the last of the muffins that I had stored in the freezer. Time to make more!

These are the last of the muffins that I had stored in the freezer. Time to make more!

– My usual morning latte with cow’s milk (the first one since finishing our Paleo Challenge!) that I enjoyed this morning.

Oh, how I missed my cow's milk lattes!

Oh, how I missed my cow’s milk lattes!

Crock Pot Pork and Apples with roasted broccoli, tomatoes and red onion topped with feta cheese and balsamic vinegar.

One of my favorite dinners, especially now that we can add feta cheese to our broccoli!

One of my favorite dinners, especially now that we can add feta cheese to our broccoli!

Slow-Cooker Savory Butternut Squash Stew.

Such a hearty stew and perfect meal for a cold night!

Such a hearty stew and a perfect meal for a cold night!

Before I forget, here is a new CrossFit Home or Travel Workout. Enjoy!

Well, that’s it for today; have a wonderful weekend!


– What was one of your favorite moments from this week?

– What was your favorite thing that you ate this week?

**REMINDER: There is still time to enter a chance to win a box of tasty and nutritious Health Warrior Chia Bars! Giveaway ends Monday, Feb. 25th at midnight PST! Click here to enter.