Happy Friday! I hope everyone’s day is going well. I’m SO glad it is Friday because it has been a long week of doing stuff for our new house and dealing with Keenan’s bedtime issues and not wanting to go poop in the potty (fortunately he went poop in the potty with my mom at my parents’ house yesterday, while my husband and I were meeting with folks at our new house!). We’ll see how he does today!

Anyhow, I’m looking forward to a relaxing weekend at home and spending some quality family time together. I’m excited to take Keenan to our Alma mater tomorrow, UC Davis, for their annual Picnic Day! My husband and I haven’t gone since we were in school, so it should be lots of fun! The animal barns are usually open, along with the entomology and biology departments, so you can see the various animals and critters that they have, as well as attend various events and eat yummy food!

Enough rambling, it is time for our weekly Friday Favorites Link up party!  If you are new here, every Friday is a chance to reflect back on the week and cherish some of your favorite moments and eats. I hope you will join me and link up with some of your favorites! Since this week was a little crazy, I didn’t have a chance to take many pictures, so my favorites are pretty short and sweet.

Favorite Moments:

Making a lego house for “Baba” and Keenan trying to get in it!

Determined to get into the house, too!

Keenan mastering peeling hard boiled eggs and doing a better job than me. He is now our “official hard boiled egg peeler” in our house!

Keenan setting the table and serving lunch to “Baba” and his lego men.

Table all set for "Baba" and his men!

Table all set for “Baba” and his men!

Favorite Eats:

Pseudo eggs benedict with roasted asparagus

Eggs benedict with roasted asparagus

SO good and definitely something we will be making again!

Green Flax Banana Nut Pancakes


Now, one of favorite pancake recipes!

One of my new favorite pancake recipes!

*NEW RECIPE: Slow-Cooker Garlic Wine Lemon Chicken with roasted broccoli and red onions

Also, in case you missed it yesterday, I’ve got another good home workout for you. Check out CrossFit Home or Travel WOD #8!

Now, it’s YOUR turn: Link up your favorite moments and eats from this week, or share some of them below in the comments!