TGIF! I’m SO excited it is Friday because we are spending the weekend at my parents’ house to celebrate my mom’s birthday a little early (the actual day is the 13th). We are planning to have a girls’ afternoon of lunch and seeing a movie tomorrow. Since having Keenan, we don’t get too much time by ourselves, so it will be nice to spend some quality one-on-one time with my mom! Another reason why I’m excited, is it is the last day of our Paleo Challenge (my husband is BEYOND excited about this!). I can’t wait to introduce dairy back into my eating (though I do love my Mocha Lattes with dark chocolate and unsweetened almond milk). I might keep buying the dark chocolate almond milk to mix with a little cow’s milk for my morning lattes…we’ll see. Lastly, I’m excited because I already got my workout in for the day. Since I teach the early CrossFit class on Friday mornings, I decided to just get it done with my class (despite how cold it was!) and it felt great!

Anyhow, it is time for this week’s Friday Favorites!

Favorite Moments:

– Keenan “doing work” on his computer that my mom gave him. He sets his sippie cup down right beside his computer and starts “working,” being very serious (I wonder where he learned that from?!). It is too cute!

Doing his "work" on his computer!

Doing his “work” on his computer!

– Playing “football” with Keenan, using our dryer balls and his painted box as a goal, but also his “home” (as he calls it!)

His "home" and rocking his gingerbread man socks from Auntie Mimi!

His “home” and rocking his Gingerbread Man socks from Auntie Mimi!

– Being so proud of my husband for achieving his health and fitness goals: losing 38 pounds and getting his cholesterol and triglycerides well within normal range!

My slim and fit husband shoveling snow while we were at my brother and sister-in-law's house in Montreal over the holidays!

My slim and fit husband shoveling snow while we were at my brother and sister-in-law’s house in Montreal over the holidays!

Favorite Eats:

Paleo Almond Blueberry Pancakes with Coconut Whipped Cream that we made this morning!

Such a yummy breakfast!

Such a yummy breakfast!

Mediterranean Chicken in the Crock Pot with steamed broccoli sprinkled with brewer’s yeast…Keenan’s favorite!

So good!

So good!

Paleo Flourless Chocolate Chip Cookies that Keenan and I made yesterday.

Another cookie recipe added to our list of "regulars!"

Another scrumptious cookie recipe added to our list of “regulars!”

Slow-Cooker Lemon Garlic Chicken with Creamy Dreamy Cauliflower…a new recipe we tried last night!

Such a simple, but satisfying dinner!

Such a simple, but satisfying dinner!

Well, that’s it for today! Have a wonderful weekend!


– What was your favorite meal from this past week?

– What was your favorite moment from this past week?

**REMINDER: There is still time to enter a chance to win a sampler pack of Drink Chia! Thirteen lucky readers will win!! Contest ends on Monday at midnight PST! To enter, click here.