TGIF! I’m glad it is Friday, because this has been one heck of a LONG week with Keenan refusing to stay in his bed and go to sleep at night. By the time he finally falls asleep after we have taken all of his critters out of his bed and listened to him him cry and scream for an hour, we are exhausted. So much for couple time! This has really made my husband and I re-think our wanting to try for baby #2 right now, that is for sure! But, today I got the book, Have a New Kid by Friday, by Dr. Kevin Leman, thanks to the suggestion of my friend. I am anxious to start reading it, as I feel we have tried everything in trying to stop this horrible bedtime fiasco. My husband and I are both at a loss, so hopefully the book will help. We shall see…

Now onto something more fun and positive, Friday Favorites, though there doesn’t seem to be many favorite moments this week with Keenan’s behavior at bedtime (and some at nap time). If you are new here, every Friday is a chance to reflect back on the week and cherish some of your favorite moments and eats. I hope you will join me and link up below with some of your favorites!

Favorite Moments:

Playing at the park with our friends!


Keenan sharing some ice cream with my Daddy.

Feeding ice cream to Daddy

Baking with my little “baking assistant!”

Baking with a toddler

Favorite Eats:

Kid-Friendly Paleo Nutty Banana Bread

Kid-Friendly Paleo Nutty Banana Bread

*NEW RECIPE: Moroccan Kale Salad

Morroccan Kale Salad

* NEW RECIPE: Spaghetti Squash Asparagus Cheesy Casserole

Spaghetti Squash and Asparagus Casserole

That’s it for now. Since I coached the early CrossFit classes this morning and already did my WOD, I’m looking forward to having the rest of the day to catch up on things and FINALLY start putting things in boxes (something I’ve been dreading). But, before that, Keenan and I are excited to a have a little play time with Giselle and Ayden later this morning! It should fun! Enjoy your Friday and have a great weekend!

Now, itโ€™s YOUR turn: Link up your favorite moments and eats from this week, or share some of them below in the comments!

*Don’t forget to enter my H.U.M.A.N. Healthy Vending giveaway to receive a free snack pack that includes a reusable tote and water bottle! Contest ends Wednesday, May 15th! To enter, click here.