I’m SO excited it’s Friday because we are heading to the beach for a little vacation before Keenan starts preschool and turns four! Unfortunately, my husband can’t join us the entire time due to his new work schedule (the one negative about farming), but at least he can be there part of the time. Either way, I’m looking forward to a little relaxation, running on the beach and reading my book and Real Simple issues. Also, my best friend from Oregon and her kids are meeting us there, so it will be fun to catch up and have the kids play together!!

Since I still have some packing to do, I’m going to keep this post short and sweet. So, let’s move on to the five things I’m loving right now, shall we?

1. Morning snuggles of these two! Mirella loves her brother so much and Keenan is so sweet with her! He loves to hold her and play next to her.

brother and sister

2. Elizabeth Mitchell’s (singer, not actress) songs, especially this one, “Froggie Went a Courtin.” We stumbled upon her music on YouTube and Keenan and I are hooked! They are such great kid songs that don’t get old; even I want to listen to them when Keenan and Mirella are not around!

3. Keenan asking questions about how things work and why things are the way they are. Yesterday he asked how cheerios were made and why they were round. Thankfully there is Google and YouTube to help answer his questions for answers that we don’t have!

4. Early morning workouts when it’s so quiet and still kind of dark outside. There is nothing better than getting my wod done first thing in the morning before having to start my “mommy job!”

5. Overnight Protein Oats. I have been on a kick lately, making them pretty much every night to have the next morning. Keenan and my husband love them, too, and they make for such easy, hearty breakfasts (especially topped with almond butter and berries!).

Overnight protein oats

Have a great weekend and I’ll talk to you in a week when we get back from our little vacation!


What are you loving right now?