Happy Friday and Happy Anniversary to my dear parents who have been married for 44 years today!!

I’m SO glad it’s Friday because we are finally ALL feeling better in our household and we can truly enjoy the weekend! Since I can smell and taste again, my husband and I are having an “at home date night” tomorrow cooking a nice dinner and catching up on House of Cards and Orange Is The New Black! I can’t wait!

Anyhow, I’ve seen other bloggers do a Friday’s Five post, so I thought it would be fun to join in and share five things that I have been loving lately. Here you go…

1. Snapea Crisps: We tried them at Costco a few weeks ago, so we bought a bag for fun, healthy baked “chips” to pair with sandwiches and boy, am I addicted! I can only serve myself a handful otherwise I can eat the whole bag in one sitting because they are THAT good!

Snapea Crisps

2. NeilMed Sinus Rinse: This has been the best thing since we all have been sick because it clears out all of the junk that clogs your sinuses and nose. We even have a kid size one that Keenan uses. My husband bought me one a few years ago and I don’t know what I would do without it!


3. Sun shirt: Since we have been swimming at my parents’ pool almost every afternoon, I wear my sun shirt and make sure Keenan and Mirella wear there shirts, too. It protects us from the sun, but it’s also nice to not have to lather our torsos with sunscreen!


4. DeVita Natural Skincare Solar Body Moisturizer SPF 30: I love this because it is a daily body moisturizer and sunscreen all-in-one (anything to save time in the morning with little ones in tow!) It’s a mineral sunscreen that contains 19% zinc oxide, but it’s so rich and creamy that it blends into your skin perfectly without leaving a white haze. I had been looking for a body moisturizer with an SPF  greater than 15 for a long time and finally came across this a few months ago! I use it everyday on my arms, neck and chest, and it feels great on, really moisturizing your skin. It’s not sticky like regular sunscreens and it doesn’t have a weird “sunscreen scent.”



5. Keenan snuggling with Mirella: He loves to snuggle and read books to his sister when he gets up in the morning. It has become his morning routine after I nurse her while I’m making breakfast. I love to see them have fun together. It melts my heart!


That’s it for today. Have a great weekend!


What are you loving lately?

Any fun plans for the weekend?