I hope everyone had a great weekend and a fabulous couple of days! As always, when my friend and I get together, the time goes by way too fast.  We have too much fun together! Since we have been such good friends since we were born, aka “Fetus Buddies,” we always pick up where we left off. We know so much about each other that we are like sisters. In fact, we share such similar values and views on parenting that we pretty much say the same things to our kids! It is so refreshing to have someone who shares the same parenting approach…I just wished we lived closer, so we wouldn’t have to say goodbye.

Anyhow, we had a wonderful weekend and Keenan and Naomi got along very well. They were best friends within the first ten minutes of meeting each other (even though they saw each other a little over a year ago) and were inseparable the whole weekend! Keenan was SO excited to wake up in the morning and play with Naomi, that the first thing he said was “Where’s Naomi?”

Best Friends!

Best Friends!

On Saturday, we enjoyed a nice breakfast of Lauren’s pancakes and stayed home, while the kids played outside in the sandbox and with Slinky. It was so windy and chilly that the cover of the sandbox blew over and Keenan and Naomi thought it would be fun to jump in and pretend it was an airplane; it was too cute! In the afternoon, we took them to our favorite park and at night, it was “bubble bath time!” They had so much putting bubbles on each other, making bubble hats and shirts while giggling away!

Having fun in their "airplane!"

Having fun in their “airplane!”

Sunday, we enjoyed a beautiful morning at the Sacramento Zoo, followed by a picnic in Land Park. I totally forgot that the Zoo has a carousal, so Keenan was SUPER excited to ride it for the first time! Once naps were done, we treated the kids to frozen yogurt, which they loved. Keenan even enjoyed a gummy worm with his yogurt, as an extra special treat!

Having lots of fun!

Having lots of fun!

Yesterday, my friend and I enjoyed a “mom’s afternoon out” of coffee and pedicures. It was the perfect end to a nice weekend and now my toes are finally ready for sandals and flip flops, especially since our weather is warming up!

It was too cute, when we were taking a few last pictures of Naomi and Keenan yesterday, Keenan reached in for a kiss.We just wanted them to hold hands and then he leaned over to kiss her all on his own! We couldn’t believe it and we are definitely not ready for that kind of relationship quite yet! My friend and I were laughing so hard that we had tears in our eyes!

Too cute!

Too cute!

Though Keenan and I were sad to see our friends leave this morning, we will cherish the memories from this weekend forever, and look forward to the next time we see each other, hopefully sooner rather than later!


– Do you have a childhood friend that you are still good friends with, today? If so, how did you meet and how long have you been friends?