I hope you all had a fabulous 4th of July! We had a great celebration! Keenan certainly had fun, being silly with his cousin, helping Avo (Keenan’s nickname for my dad, which means Grandpa in Portuguese) make ice cream (and licking the spatula after the ice cream was finished) and playing with sparklers for the first time.

Here is a little re-cap of our day:

Wagon riding with Uncle E and taking pictures in 4th of July outfits:

The roller coaster “wagon” ride with Uncle E!

Swimming and trying out Keenan’s new Puddle Jumper! This is one of the best purchases we have made for Keenan, hands down! A mom in our swim class recommended it, and we (and Keenan) love it! It is Coast Guard certified, which is a bonus, but the best part is it keeps your child upright (instead of on their backs, like traditional infant life jackets), so they can learn to kick and paddle while floating. The Puddle Jumper has two arm holes (like floaties) connected to a belt that goes around the child’s belly. I was able to swim with Keenan in the deep-end and not feel nervous, because the Puddle Jumper is very safe and secure. The weight/size requirement is for kids 30-50 pounds, but Keenan is 26 pounds and it fit perfectly. If you are looking for something to help your child learn how to swim this summer, I highly recommend it! Also, it is very inexpensive, only costing between $15.00-$20.00! I bought the most basic one from Amazon for $20.00 (including shipping).


Ice cream making with Avo: Keenan helped put ice and water in the bucket, but he was so fascinated with watching Avo crank the handle. After the ice cream was finished, he and his cousin were the first ones to taste it!

Dinner and Dessert:

Keenan devouring his ice cream cone!

Sparkler time: Keenan wasn’t as excited as I thought he would be. His favorite part was putting the finished sparklers in the water bucket!

Sparkler time!

Today, after getting back into town, we slowly got back on track with eating healthy again (cutting back on portions, rich food and dessert) and went back to the gym, CrossFit. Even though we had lots of fun the past two days, it felt good to have a more “normal” day. My body needed it! I ate too many  peanut butter cookies and ice cream yesterday!

Tomorrow, I will be heading to CrossFit in the morning and then Keenan and I will head back to my parents’ house one last time, to spend the weekend with them and my niece, since my husband will be out of town and my brother and sister-in-law will be out of town, too. Keenan will enjoy having the additional time to play with his cousin (he cried when we had to leave this morning!). It should be fun!

What did you do for the 4th?