Since my husband has been off this week, we have enjoyed some yummy breakfasts and quality family-cuddle-time before starting our days. Today’s breakfast was our version of Denny’s Grand Slam: scrambled eggs, a toasted pancake (leftover from ones we made earlier this week) and two strips of thick cut bacon. To go along with it, we enjoyed our usual morning lattes! It was a great start to the day, thanks to my husband for preparing it. He cooked the bacon in the oven for the first time and it turned out pretty good! I have only cooked bacon in a pan on the stove, so I was surprised at how good it came out in the oven, and with much less mess, as well as grease. We will definitely be doing that again!

Such a satisfying breakfast!

Such a satisfying breakfast!

After our delicious breakfast this morning, we headed to IKEA to shop for more storage containers and organization solutions. Since Keenan got some new toys, it is time to purge (or at least put away) some of his old toys that he no longer plays with, and make room for his new ones. As Keenan is getting older, it seems that we have less and less room, so keeping things organized and maximizing our space is a must, in order for our house not to seem overrun by all of his things. Thankfully, we found everything we needed today, so onto organizing I go!

With that being said, I love the start of the new year, because it is such a great time to reorganize and remove the clutter from the holidays, donating items that you no longer use or wear and possibly re-purposing old items to make them more useful. Yesterday, I saw a great idea for recycling Christmas cards…cutting them into different shapes, punching a whole through the top and attaching a ribbon to make gift tags for next year. I hate throwing away all of the Christmas cards we receive, so I thought that was a great idea to re-purpose them, and a fun project to do!

Speaking of the new year, as I mentioned yesterday, I have many thoughts about goals I want to accomplish and opportunities I want to take this year. I thought I could narrow down my list to only five goals, but as I was thinking about them, I had a difficult time keeping it to no more than ten things! I don’t want my list to be too long, otherwise I know I will forget about them, or be overwhelmed. I am an advocate for small, obtainable and measurable goals, so it was hard to keep my list short and sweet. Here they are:

1. Start my own business of personal training and wellness coaching.

2. Attend at least one blogger conference!

3. Compete in at least two CrossFit competitions (team or individual).

4. Continue to improve my strength and WOD times, while listening to my body and staying as injury-free as possible.

5. Clean out and reorganize our kitchen cabinets and fridge (we have WAY too many condiments, thanks to my husband!).

6. Experiment with new recipes and meal ideas using coconut flour and coconut oil.

7. Finally hang up pictures of Keenan on our walls (he is almost 2 1/2 years old and we still don’t have a single picture of him in our house, aside from his photo books and calendars that I have made…embarrassing, I know!) and finish his baby book.

8. Move to a new house (hopefully sooner rather than later)!

9. Adopt a family dog.

10. Have more family fun outings, at least once a month!

One of the many pictures we will be hanging on our walls!

One of the many pictures that we will be hanging on our walls!

To help remind myself of my goals, I’m going to print them out and post them in a place that I will see everyday. For me, if I don’t have a constant reminder, I tend to forget about them. After putting my goals in writing, I’m ready to hit them head on and I am excited for the possibilities that 2013 might contain!

Questions: What are some of your goals or resolutions for 2013? How do you remove the clutter after the holidays?