Being that it is Wednesday, I would normally do a WIAW post, but since I’m still battling this nasty cold, food hasn’t tasted good lately. I can’t taste or smell anything, so eating has not been enjoyable the past few days.

Anyhow, let’s move on to something way more positive…today is the day I married my best friend nine years ago! I can’t believe it has been that long and over thirteen years since we met! Where has the time gone, especially now that we have two kids? I can honestly say that all of those thirteen years have been a blast and I couldn’t imagine spending my life with anyone else. My husband makes me laugh everyday, finds the humor in any situation and knows how to cheer me up in an instant when I’m down. He is my biggest supporter and the best father to our children that I could ever ask for. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us!

My husband and me

Since we celebrated our anniversary at the coast this past weekend, we aren’t doing much to celebrate today. If I wasn’t still sick, we had planned on putting the kiddos to bed early and making a nice dinner of steak, grilled potatoes and some marinated broccoli with our favorite barbera from Preston of Dry Creek Vineyards while watching our wedding video (a tradition we started on our first anniversary). But, we are putting that on hold until this weekend when I’m feeling better and can actually enjoy food again!

Have a good one!


Do you have any traditions that you and your spouse do on your anniversary?

How long have you been married?