Where did the past three years go? I can’t believe that our beautiful baby boy is turning three today! It still seems like yesterday that we were taking him home from the hospital. The time goes by WAY too fast, especially since he starts preschool next week and I’m pregnant with his little baby brother or sister!

Keenan only a few hours old!

Keenan only a few hours old!

Keenan has changed our life for the better and I can’t imagine our life without him. He is the sparkle in our eye who is always making us smile and laugh. I cherish his cuddles, kisses, giggles, silliness and inquisitiveness. He is truly the best thing that ever happened to my husband and me. Happy Birthday, Sweet Pea!

Our little birthday boy!

Our little birthday boy!

Now, onto a recap of his birthday party that we had over the weekend…

Per Keenan’s request, it was a John Deere Tractor party!

All of our eating ware was John Deere.

All of our eating ware was John Deere.

For decorations, I made little foam tractors with his picture and put them on top of mini hay bales with some John Deere fabric.

My simple little tractors!

My simple little tractors!

For favors, I found some tractor ribbon, so I took plain gift bags and tied the handles with the ribbon. I almost forgot to give these out to everyone!

Since I almost forgot to give the favors out, I almost forgot to take a picture! Sorry for the poor lighting and fuzzy quality!

Since I almost forgot to give the favors out, I almost forgot to take a picture! Sorry for the poor lighting and fuzzy quality!

The party couldn’t be complete without a tractor on his birthday cake!

Birthday cake!

Birthday cake!


Keenan wanted an ice cream cake, so my husband and I made it together. I made the cake, using a devil’s food cake recipe that I had in one of Williams and Sonoma decadent dessert books and my husband made the peanut butter ice cream. It took us three days to make, as the cake has to freeze overnight before the ice cream layer can be spread on top. Once we spread the ice cream, we put the whole cake back in the freezer to set up overnight before frosting. After I frosted it, I put the cake back in the freezer to set overnight once again before decorating it. Even though the cake was simple to make, I didn’t realize how many steps were involved! But, the end product was delicious and Keenan LOVED it! We will definitely be making it again!

The three-day process.

The three-day process.

Aside from cake, we snacked on some amazing Greek seven layer dip with pita chips that I found from Heather’s blog, followed by ribs, corn on the cob, cheddar cheese buttermilk cornbread and a nice southwestern green salad. You would think I’d remember to take a picture of all of the yummy food we devoured, but I didn’t! I was so busy, that I completely forgot. At least I remembered to take a picture of the dip before serving it. The dip has become a new appetizer favorite in my household, even more than regular seven layer dip! It is THAT good!

So good that it's addicting!

So good it’s addicting!

Before all of the eating took place, there was plenty of playing, taking turns riding my old trike when I was little girl

Having fun riding the trike!

Having fun riding the trike!

and lots of fun in the pool!

Best Buds!

Best Buds!

Everyone had a blast and Keenan sure didn’t want it to end! He loved having his friends there to celebrate with him, and the next day, he asked if his friends would still be there to play! It was too cute!



Another successful birthday party, though I still can’t believe our little boy is already three years old!

Our birthday boy!

Our little (growing) family!


Do you ever wish you could keep your children little forever?

Are you a DIY person when it comes to throwing parties?Ā 

What is your favorite go-to party food to make?