I can’t believe our baby boy is four years old today! It seems like yesterday when my husband and I brought him into this world! It’s crazy how fast he has grown and how much of little boy he has become. He is a tremendous big brother, looking after his sister and always wanting to give her kisses or making her smile. Keenan is so sweet and loves to give hugs and snuggles that I hope never go away. He is my little helper with everything…cooking, cleaning house, doing dishes, setting the table, making his bed and putting the groceries away. He always wants to help, which I love! My husband and I are so blessed to have him in our lives. He makes us laugh and always keeps us on our toes. I can’t imagine our life without him. Happy Birthday, Sweet Pea!

 4 year old boy

We are off to our local train museum today for a fun outing, followed by a picnic lunch and a train ride. We are ending the day by having “breakfast for dinner,” Keenan’s birthday dinner request! It should be fun! On Saturday, we are having his party with family and friends.

Have a great day!


Do you ever wish you could stop time and keep your kids little forever?