Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day with their loved ones and eating “yummy food” (as Keenan likes to say!). We started our day off on a yummy note with Cafe Bon (thanks to my husband) and pumpkin bread pudding (recipe coming soon!) for breakfast. Keenan was thrilled to have his own little dish of whipped cream to eat (a VERY special treat!). Also, the day started off even better because Keenan slept in until 7:30 a.m.!! He never sleeps in at my parents, so we were all excited! My husband downloaded some “white noise” on his phone and we kept it on all night in his room, as well as talking to Keenan about only waking up when it is light outside. I’m hoping the noise did the trick and he will sleep in the rest of the weekend (keeping my fingers crossed!).

Cafe Bon! (Sorry for the poor quality picture, I only had my phone with me).

SO good, especially with my husband’s whipped cream! (Another poor picture.)

We also enjoyed some thick-cut bacon that my mom prepared (sorry, I forgot to take a picture!). It was the perfect holiday breakfast and morning!

Shortly after breakfast, my mom discovered that their toilets were backing-up, thus the septic system was clogged! Awe…nothing like country living! Luckily, my parents’ were able to get a hold of someone to come out and unclog it (which they are working on as I write this). It just makes for a poopy day (no pun intended!). Fortunately, we aren’t eating our turkey dinner until 5:00 p.m., so we have a little bit of time to de-clog everything, clean the bathrooms and take showers (since we can’t use the bathrooms until everything is fixed). Most of our meal is already prepped, so there isn’t much that we need to do, aside from my husband’s risotto and baking my mom’s famous broccoli casserole.

On the menu for our turkey dinner is: turkey (cooked in the barbecue), broccoli casserole, butternut squash risotto, homemade cranberry sauce, artichoke torta, salad and pumpkin beer bread. For dessert, my mom made an apple crisp and a pumpkin pie. I can’t wait to try everything! I’ll be sure to take pictures and post about our dinner in the next few days.

Since it is Thursday and Thanksgiving, I thought I would link-up with Jessie at Jessie Loves to Run for her Thankful Thursday link-up.

Today, I am thankful for:

1. My Parents: They do so much for all of us and are always very supportive. They are so generous and give so much to everyone. I love you, Mom and Dad!

2. My Brothers: Though, they both can’t be here with us today (my middle brother lives in Canada) and my oldest brother, Chris, is watching from above. We know you are both with us in spirit. I’m thankful for all of the great memories we have together. We miss you Chris and I can’t wait to visit my middle brother, niece and sister-in-law for Christmas!

3. My husband: I am so thankful to be able to share my life with my best friend. He is a great father, cook and “handyman.” He makes me laugh everyday, and I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else!

4. Keenan: He brings a smile to my face and melts my heart everyday. He definitely takes on his daddy’s humor because just like my husband, he makes me laugh all the time!

Enjoying some play time this morning! (Sorry for yet another poor quality picture!).

Well, it is time to start cleaning and getting ready for our dinner! Enjoy the rest of your holiday!

Questions: What are you thankful for? What is on the menu for your turkey dinner?