Today has been a rather busy day. I have my CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Course this weekend, so I have been running some last-minute errands (aside form going to the gym this morning) and finishing up some odds and ends around the house. After Keenan woke up around 7:30 this morning, we ate a quick breakfast of toasted pancakes with peanut butter and banana slices and headed to the gym for a great partner WOD. There is nothing like bear crawls when your hand is torn! 🙂

After the gym, we ran some errands, making sure to stock-up on plenty of band-aids and athletic tape for this weekend! Once we got home, we had lunch (though, I had to clean up a little mishap of Keenan “cleaning” his little potty with the toilet bowl brush, thus spilling the nasty toilet/poopy water all over the floor of our half bathroom). I made Keenan a turkey and cheese sandwich and I had my “usual breakfast” of Fage 0% Greek Yogurt bowl with chia seeds (we finally got more yesterday!), flax seed, Kashi cereal and a nectarine.

I’m really excited for this weekend, but a little nervous at the same time. I’m not quite sure what to expect, but I know I’m going to learn a lot and meet some really cool people! While I’m away for the weekend, the boys will be having a “guys’ weekend” at home, so who knows what that will include?! This is actually the first time I will be away from both my husband and Keenan for two days! I’m definitely going to miss them, but it will be nice to have some much needed quiet time!

I’ll miss these guys!

Since I still have to shower and pack, I better go! Have a great weekend, and I can’t wait to share all about my trainer course with you on Monday!

Oh, before I forget, the winner of the Sweaty Bands Giveaway is: Natalie! Please message me through Facebook with your address, so I can send a Sweaty Band to you, Natalie!