I hope everyone is having a good day. The weather is finally warming up and feeling more like Spring again, thank goodness! I’m SO ready for flip flops, cropped pants, t’s and tanks!

Keenan is continuing to do well with his potty training, though he hasn’t gone number two since Sunday (and he is usually very regular). The incentive of going to our special chocolate shop, Ginger Elizabeth, hasn’t helped, so I’m not sure what to do. I think he is just afraid of going poop in the potty. I guess we just have to wait until he is good and ready. So far, he has been really good with keeping his underwear (and pull up at nap time) dry and telling us when he has to use the potty, but I worry he will become too constipated by not going number two as he usually did on a daily basis.

Okay, enough potty talk! Last week, Keenan and I had a fun craft day. We made various things for Easter and Spring, thanks to my friend, Elisa, for sharing some of her ideas that she uses in her preschool class.

Our first project was doing a little hand print art, making bunnies.

Fun with hand prints!

Fun with hand prints!

I painted Keenan’s hands white, only using his index and ring fingers for the ears. After they dried, I added the nose and the whiskers. I cut them out and glued them on blue construction paper cut into four squares, to make Easter cards for the grandparents. *Older kids could probably do this whole project themselves, but toddlers definitely need assistance!

Homemade Easter cards!

Homemade Easter cards!

Our second project was making a peacock that Elisa supplied us with. Keenan helped me glue all of the pieces together, which he loved!

Lastly, we made Easter eggs: I used construction paper to cut out the shape of two large eggs (at least I tried to!). Keenan and I used crayon to color them first. After we were finished coloring, we painted over them with watercolors. After the paint dried, I wrote “Happy Easter” over them with marker.

Keenan's peacock and egg!

Keenan’s Peacock and egg (you can sort of see the watercolor)!

After everything was all done, I added the completed projects to our coat closet door, so Keenan can see some of his most recent art everyday. He loves looking at his egg and bunny hand print every morning when we come downstairs for breakfast, in fact, he says good morning to them daily! It is too cute!

Our door of projects!

Our door of projects!

Since, I talked so much about Kids’ crafts for Easter, I am going to link up with Giselle’s fun Toddler Tuesday! If you haven’t checked out her blog, you should head on over. She has lots of good kids’ craft ideas, DIY projects and recipes.

Well, it is snack time with some of a KiZE Concepts Bar and then time for CrossFit!


– What was your favorite Spring or Easter craft that you did when you were a kid?

– For the veteran mommies out there, any tips for getting Keenan to go number two in the potty? Any tips or advice is appreciated!