I am SO glad today is a holiday because it is nice to be lazy and not have anywhere to go. Some days you just need a “do nothing” day! The three of us are recovering from our busy, but very fun weekend!

About our weekend, here is a little recap:


We had a double date with some friends, starting out with dinner at Kupros Bistro in Sacramento, followed by seeing “Crazy For You” at the Music Circus. Our food was delicious! My husband and I started off with a roasted golden beet salad with goat cheese, which was yummy! For dinner, I ordered the roasted duck with sauteed greens and fingerling potatoes. My husband had a Llama burger (I know, crazy!). Everything we had was very good. It was our third time eating at Kupros and each time, was wonderful. I highly recommend it, if you are in the Sacramento area! Sorry, we were so busy devouring our food that I completely forgot to take pictures.

“Crazy For You” was excellent! I knew some of the songs, but I wasn’t familiar with the story. Basically, the story is about a young man from New York who likes to dance and wants to perform, but his mom and fiance do not approve. When he is given an order from his mom (who owns a bank in New York) to handle some business in an old western town in Nevada (take over the ownership of a run down theater), he falls in love with a girl, who’s dad owns the theater. He helps the girl put on a show at the theater, by pretending to be a famous name in show business, to help raise funds and save it from the the bank. The music was good and it had all four of us laughing out loud!  My husband and I are still talking about some of the lines!

Waiting for our cheese plate and wine!


We participated in a wine and cheese pairing/tasting that my in-laws purchased at an event a while ago,  at Todd Taylor Wines in Clarksburg. There were fourteen of us (my in-laws, my husband’s cousins and family friends). We sampled several yummy cheeses paired with a few of their wines and received a tour of the winery. Their wines were really good (I especially loved the Primitivo!). Todd Taylor, who lead the tasting and tour, was very informative and easygoing, accommodating our large party. I would definitely go back and purchase more of his wines!

The cheese plate!

The group!

The wine and cheese line-up.

I had to snap a picture of this because Keenan insisted on having his cars next to my plate!

After our wine and cheese pairing/tasting, we tasted some other wines at Rendez-vous Winery, which is located in the same building as Todd Taylor Wines (Old Sugar Mill). I am not a huge white wine fan, especially Chardonnay, but all I can say is, “Wow!” Their Chardonnay is phenomenal, so smooth, rich and buttery! Also, their Chenin Blanc was amazing! It was crisp and refreshing for sipping on a hot day! I highly recommend their wines! The best part is, all of their wines are less than $25!

Keenan found his spot (under the counter) when we were tasting the wine at Rendez-vous Winery!

After wine tasting, we went to Vanilla Bean Bistro for dinner. As always, everything we had was delicious! We started off with their zekiye, a Turkish Calzone made with fingerling potatoes and mascarpone cheese and a mixed salad. For dinner, I had the Turlu, which is like a stew made with chicken, meat balls, seasonal vegetables, oven dried tomatoes, red curry, truffle oil, saffron, coconut milk and herbs. My husband had the dumplings made with chicken and beef. We were both VERY satisfied! I highly recommend Vanilla Bean Bistro, if you live in the Sacramento area. Again, I forgot to snap a picture of our food, sorry!

Our “Little Sous Chef,” helping us prep the food before the party!


We had friends over, celebrating our good friend’s birthday. We did a “make your own” grilled pizza party with different beers for everyone to try. My husband made the dough and everyone brought their own toppings. In addition, he made his infamous jalapeno poppers for an appetizer (surprisingly, they were not that hot this time!). We also had a variety of sausages and mustard, along with a fruit salad that a couple of our friends brought. I made a basil avocado adamame dip that I served with pita chips (recipe to come soon!). It was okay, not as flavorful as I would have liked. If I make it again, I’ll add more spices to it. For dessert, we had a Red Velvet Nothing Bundt Cake! The cake was perfectly moist and SO delicious! Needless to say, we were all overly stuffed from all of the food and beer we consumed. It was a good, good night! 🙂

Basil avocado edamame dip.

Kneading the pizza dough!

The guys making our pizzas!

Friends (minus my husband, who got cut-off in the picture!).

How did you spend your weekend?

Today, in addition to recovering, we are going on a bike ride once Keenan wakes up from his nap. I think we might even ride to get an ice cream cone! Before then, I think I might take a nap. Enjoy the rest of your holiday!