I hope you had a good day! Keenan and I enjoyed a nice day at home playing, until bedtime. Just as I thought we were making progress, tonight didn’t go so well. Keenan immediately got out of his bed after I put him to sleep to go poo poo without calling for me. Since he had to go to the bathroom, I didn’t take his animals away, but I reminded him to call me when he had to go. But, as soon as I left the room, he called for me, telling me had to go poo poo again, but when he sat on his potty, there was nothing (and he said he didn’t really have to go). So, I took his animals away since he lied and reminded him of the earning bit and the importance of telling the truth. Needless to say, it has been a rough night to say the least (and it’s all me tonight since my husband is traveling for work)! Was I wrong for taking his animals away? So much for progress, ha! We took one step forward and now, one step back. I had even talked to him about going to Target tomorrow to get the helicopter he wants, since he had earned it by doing well with bed and nap times the past few days, but that isn’t going to happen. I guess I should look at this as merely a small bump in the road. We will get past this and things WILL get better (at least I hope so!).

Before I forget, I have to share this picture from his nap yesterday. He completely crashed on the floor in his room. He was so tired that after opening the blinds and taking a few pictures, he still didn’t wake up! It was too cute!

Sleeping on the floor

Anyhow, I’m excited to share some fun news! I was nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Keia from Improving Me with Keia Lee. It was a nice surprise, since things have been a tad stressful lately with Keenan’s bedtime issues and getting ready to move.

The Liebster Award is one that bloggers can nominate their fellow bloggers who they enjoy reading. The requirements for the award are:

– Thank the Liebster Award Nominator and link back to their blog.

– Answer the eleven questions below.

– List eleven random facts about yourself.

– Nominate eleven other blogs and leave a comment on their blog.

– Copy and paste the award on your blog

Here are my answers to the questions:

1. Why did you start blogging?

After making the decision to stay home with Keenan, I knew I wanted to still do something that allowed me to share my passion and knowledge for health and fitness, as well as providing an outlet since I was a new mom. I can’t believe it has been almost a year since I started this blog!

2. If you could eat lunch any where in the world, where & what would you eat?

I would eat a slice of focaccia bread loaded with veggies and pancetta while sitting on the floor of the Piazza del Campo in Siena, Italy.

3. Whom, What or Where does your blogging inspiration come from?

I get a lot of inspiration from everyday life, my mom, grandma (my mom’s mom), Keenan and clients that I have worked with, as well as my passion for health and fitness.

4. How do you handle a stressful day?

I prioritize what needs to get done and then try not to worry about the rest, as eventually things will get done. Also, I make sure to get in a good workout, as that is my go-to stress reliever. In addition, sipping a nice glass of wine and taking a bubble bath after Keenan is in bed is my favorite way to end a particularly stressful day.

5. What do you hope that your children remember about you?

I hope they will remember that I was always there for them, always made time for them and that they could tell me anything, in addition to having fun memories of laughing and playing together!

6. What is your favorite recipe?

Gosh, this is a hard one! I have so many favorites. My most favorite is probably my Roasted Asparagus Pasta with Feta Cheese.

7. What is your favorite quote?

One that my late brother always said, “Live life to the fullest; every, every minute of it!”

8. What projects are you working on right now?

Since we are so consumed with getting our new house ready, my project is that! We still need to decide on paint colors, light fixtures, flooring and the decor of Keenan’s room.

9. What is the best thing about you?

I’m very organized and take pride in keeping things neat and clean.

10. Will you follow the bloggers that you nominate?

Of course!

11. What makes you giggle?

Playing and laughing with Keenan!

Eleven random facts about me:

1. I would love to publish a cookbook or book on healthy living with recipes someday.

2. I am addicted to CrossFit!

3. I LOVE the show, I Love Lucy, and anything with Lucille Ball.

4. I am always looking for the easiest and fastest way to style my hair (since time is of the essence these days!), while still looking polished.

5. I am pretty easy going and down to earth.

6. In addition to working out, cooking and baking are great stress relievers!

7. I hope to own my own sheep ranch someday and be the 4-H sheep leader in my hometown, as well as  teach Keenan how to raise and show sheep.

8. One of my favorite things to do is go shopping, especially at Nordstrom when they have awesome sales!

9. I met my husband at college and we were a part of the competitive ballroom dance team.

10. Keenan and I have “pajama days” where we stay in our PJ’s all day, at least one day every week (like today!).

11. I absolutely love being a mom and I look forward to having more children!

Here is a list of Bloggers that I nominate for the award. Check them out!

Giselle at My Healthy Happy Home

Renee at Fit for Motherhood

Nelly at O 2 Be Fit Mom

Jessie at Jessie Loves to Run

Karey at Nutty About Health

Amy at Fun With Family and Fitness

Laura at Mommy Run Fast

Dana at Mastering Mommy Brain

Michelle at Eat Move Balance

Carla at Real Into

Heather at Kiss My Broccoli

Thanks again Keia!

*Don’t forget to enter my H.U.M.A.N. Healthy Vending giveaway to receive a free snack pack that includes a reusable tote and water bottle! Contest ends tomorrow night, May 8th at midnight! To enter, click here.


Tell me one random fact about yourself!

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