I hope you all had a great weekend!

We had a nice, but exhausting little weekend away with our friends at their cabin in the mountains. It was fun, but it felt so good to be back home and in our own bed last night!

Anyhow, it has been a while since I’ve done a true Marvelous In My Monday post, so I’m joining Katie for Marvelous In My Monday to share what is marvelous in my life at the moment. Thanks, Katie, for always hosting!

MiMM MIMM #109 Open House, Date Night In, and More!

Marvelous is Mirella’s little, but big belly laughs! I just love hearing her giggles and seeing her so happy. She is such a happy girl. It warms my heart and makes me laugh every time!

Marvelous is Keenan being more and more helpful around the house like making his bed every morning when he wakes up, feeding Lulu every morning, helping me empty and load the dishwasher, putting his plate in the sink, vacuuming and watering our plants.

Marvelous is Keenan being so interested in what Dadddy does at work everyday. Every night at dinner he asks my husband what he did at work, and he listens so intently. He may be a future farmer in the making!

Marvelous is getting ready to head to the beach next week and spending time with one my best friends and her kids. They live in Oregon, so we only see each other once a year.

Marvelous is kicking off my personal training and group training programs this Fall with a couple of local clients!

Marvelous is being content with my little family and where I’m at in life. I’m so blessed to have such a wonderful and supportive husband (who is also a tremendous father), great kids and be able to be at home with them.

That’s it for now. Have a great Monday!


What is marvelous in your life at the moment?