Happy Monday!

I hope you all had a marvelous weekend! We had a wonderful time with our friends this past weekend catching up (since we hadn’t seem them in SO long), watching the kids have so much fun playing together and eating amazing food (which I completely forgot to take pictures of, sorry!). Our menu included grass fed organic beef burgers on brioche buns with grilled red bell peppers, onions and brie with good ol’ tator tots (my guilty pleasure)!

Since it’s Monday, I’m joining Katie for her fun link up, Marvelous In My Monday! Make sure to head on over to her blog and check out some of her marvelous happenings, too!


The past couple of days have been marvelous because…

Pretty much all boxes are unpacked (there are still a couple with pictures and some in the baby’s room that we need to do once it gets closer to out little peanut’s arrival ) and the entire house is cleaned!

Clean house

We enjoyed good times with wonderful friends!

Best Friends

This package arrived and I can’t wait to break into it!

P28 Bread

My little helper wanted to do the dishes with me and I could refuse!

Doing dishes

Well that’s it for now. Don’t  forget to enter my Energybits giveaway! You have until August 7th at midnight PST to enter!


What marvelous things are happening in your life right now?

Did you do anything fun this past weekend?