I hope everyone had a nice Christmas! Sorry that this is so late, I had a few remote blogging issues and thought that this had posted. Anyhow, we enjoyed a beautiful white Christmas (our first one!) here in Montreal. Keenan and his cousin were so excited to see what Santa brought them in the morning, that they weren’t too concerned with anything else they received!

We had a lovely brunch of chocolate croissants (thanks to my sister-in-law!), eggs and fruit with eggnog lattes! It was a delicious treat!

For Christmas dinner, we had a special meal of steak and fried potatoes (thanks to my mom!) with artichoke torta, a family tradition my Grandma Rose (my mom’s mom) would make every Christmas Eve. It was delish!

Well, I just wanted to do a quick post since I have been MIA while we have been at my brother and sister-in-laws’ house. I look forward to posting a recap of our trip when we get back this week (keeping my fingers crossed that we can fly home tomorrow, since our flight on Thursday was cancelled due to the weather).

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a very happy New Year!

Questions: How was your Christmas? What special goodies did you eat?

