Happy Monday!

When I sat down to write this post I realized I didn’t take a single picture from this past weekend (not even on my phone). I had all the best intentions since I brought my camera along, but I guess it was my subconscious telling me that I needed a little break from the blog world and technology!

We had a marvelous weekend, probably one of the most relaxing we have had in a while. But, our weekend didn’t start out so marvelous because Keenan woke up with a fever on Thursday night and had a hard time going to sleep (waking up 4 times, poor guy!). He was sick all day on Friday with a fever, congestion and overall feeling lethargic. Instead of meeting up with our friends for a play date, we stayed home and relaxed on the couch, did a few puzzles, read books and watched Sesame Street, Nature, and my favorite when I was sick as a kid, I Love Lucy. I introduced Keenan to Lucy a while ago and I told him that I looked forward to watching her show when I was sick, so he remembered what I had said and asked if we could watch it! Even though he was sick, we had a nice day just cuddling on the couch and not doing much of anything, which was perfect.


Fortunately, his fever broke and he was feeling better on Saturday to meet up with our friends at Apple Hill for some apple picking and goodies. As as got up there, we realized that everyone else had the same idea. The traffic was horrible; it took us 30 minutes just to go one mile! So, we all decided to turn around and have lunch in Placerville and spend the afternoon walking around there. Even though things didn’t go as planned, we all had a nice time and the kids had fun! We found a wonderful gelato shop as we were walking around, so we all treated ourselves to some pumpkin gelato! But, I’m bummed that I didn’t get some apples to make apple sauce and apple butter this year!

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention the puppy and kitty adoption event. We stopped at the adoption event on our way to Apple Hill on and saw several dogs (no kittys, unfortunately), but none were a good match for us. We are looking for a german shepard/lab mix and most of the dogs were either pit pulls or chihuahuas. We are going to go to the animal shelter this week and hopefully find one, so I’ll keep you posted!

Yesterday, we enjoyed a nice day at home after going to church in the morning. We cleaned out the garage and my husband made a wonderful rabbit stew for dinner with some delicious focaccia bread! He went hunting a few weekends ago and got three rabbits that had been sitting in our freezer and a stew sounded like the perfect Sunday dinner. My mom came over to enjoy the stew with us, since my dad is out of town, which Keenan was excited about! In fact, he told me that daddy and I could go do something while Nonna gives him a bath, reads him a story and puts him to bed! It was so cute!

Well, that’s it for today; it’s time to start cleaning! Since Keenan was sick on Friday, I didn’t get a chance to do any cleaning, so I’m making up for it today while he is at preschool.

I hope you had a marvelous weekend! Thanks, Katie, for hosting another Marvelous In My Monday. Be sure to visit her blog to check out some of her marvelous happenings!

MiMM MIMM #70 with a Big Rubber Duck and Family Getaway!

What was marvelous about your weekend?

Have you had rabbit? If so, how was it prepared?

Do you like eating wild game?