Happy Monday!

I have to say I’m kind of bummed that our nice little holiday break is over and it’s time to face reality, i.e. get ready for baby #2 that is coming in seven weeks (or less), EEK! Even though my husband went back to work last week, it was nice to have him off for New Years and just spend time as a family, as well as hang out with my sister-in-law, brother and nieces who are still in town (but unfortunately leave tomorrow).  Part of me is ready to get back into my normal routine and have Keenan go back to preschool on Wednesday, but the other part of me enjoyed our all-day pajama days and lazy mornings as a family. After the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it was nice to have some much needed relaxation, but with our new addition arriving soon, it is time to get busy!

Speaking of, I didn’t take a single picture this past weekend (which was actually kind of nice, I must admit!), because we were busy cleaning out the baby’s room, sorting and organizing. We were using the room as an office/storage room, so there was quite a bit to clean out before we could set up the crib and organize things. Fortunately, we got a lot done, but there is still much more to be done. I’m hoping to get everything done by February 1st, so we can enjoy a little downtime before the baby arrives (hopefully, unless he or she decides to come early!). Once the room is done, I’ll be sure to post pictures.

While my husband was doing the heavy lifting, I went through all of Keenan’s neutral onesies, sleepers, cloth g diapers and washed them so they are ready to go. It seems so long ago that Keenan was that small! It’s crazy how fast time flies. Since we have been so focused on the holidays, I haven’t thought much  about the baby and as we were working on things, so many memories came back. It’s funny how you forget about certain things  since you are so focused on the next phase in your child’s life, but when you are expecting another child, it all starts to come back.

Before I go, I saw this earlier today and even though it feels good to be getting things ready for the baby, I still feel like doing this…


And, since we had such a productive, marvelous weekend, I’m joining Katie for Marvelous In My Monday today. Have a good one!

MiMM MIMM #80 Sister Birthday + More!



What was marvelous about your weekend?