Sorry I was MIA last Friday, but this cold is INTENSE and just won’t go away! It has wiped me out! I’ve been sleeping-in (or sleeping past my husband’s alarm, rather) and going to bed super early, but it still lingers. I can’t take anything aside from Tylenol since I’m breastfeeding, ugh (it would be so nice to take a decongestant)! My head feels like it’s going to explode with so much sinus pressure and I still can’t smell or taste anything. To make matters worse, Mirella and my husband came down with it over the weekend. So, aside from Keenan, we are one sick household!

Anyhow, despite all of us not feeling well, we managed to have a nice Father’s Day yesterday. I let my husband sleep in and Keenan and I made Baked Pumpkin Cinnamon Sugar Doughnuts. I just wish I could truly taste them!

Baked Pumpkin Cinnamon Sugar Doughnuts

Since I wasn’t able to make a lemon meringue pie for my husband on his birthday back in February (due to Mirella being born), I made one yesterday, and it turned out so good! It is definitely one of the hardest pies to make in my opinion!

Lemon meringue pie

Later in the afternoon, after everyone rested and took naps (including my husband), we headed to my parents for a barbecue. Keenan and my husband had their first squirt gun war! My husband bought the squirt guns at Costco a few months ago and saved them for Keenan once he earned five stars on his behavior chart. Keenan was beyond excited to “squirt his gun” as he said! Unfortunately, he ended up getting a lot of squirts from Daddy, as he was soaked and my husband remained dry!

Squirt gun war

Well, that’s it for now. Thank you, Katie, for hosting another Marvelous In Monday!

MiMM MIMM #102 Fabulous Fathers Day and More!


I’m off to bed to hopefully start feeling better!


What did you do for Father’s Day?

What was the longest time you have been sick?