Happy Monday and almost New Year’s Eve!

I hope you all had a fabulous week and Christmas (for those of you who celebrate it)! I took a break from everything, including blogging and it was wonderful (and MUCH NEEDED!), but I’m glad to be back. My husband had last week off, so it was nice to spend time with family, stay home, relax, watch movies and do nothing. Prior to Christmas, things were so hectic that my husband and I were just burnt out on everything. It was nice to have our families over for Christmas Eve, but after prepping and cooking for three days prior, we were both looking forward to some much needed downtime. Luckily, my husband has New Year’s off and only works a half day tomorrow, so we are looking forward to staying home, having a quiet New Years making a nice dinner and watching a movie after Keenan goes to bed.

Since it’s Monday and last week was so marvelous, I’m joining Katie for Marvelous In My Monday sharing some highlights of last week!

MiMM MIMM #80 Post Holiday Relaxing + A Half Birthday!

Marvelous is…

Riding the Polar Express Train a couple days before Christmas with Keenan, my nieces, brother, sister-in-law, husband, mom and dad. The kids loved it!

Riding the Polar Express Train

Taking Keenan and my niece to look at Christmas lights while drinking my husband’s yummy hot cocoa!

Looking at Christmas Lights

Our two little lambs (Keenan and my niece) in our Church’s Christmas Pageant, that I’m so happy and relieved it’s over! Don’t get me wrong, it was fun to direct with my mom, but it’s nice to have it off my plate.

Little Lambs

Hosting our families on Christmas Eve.

Family Christmas

Taking a quick family picture with my super big belly (only 8 more weeks to go and still so much to do!).


Seeing Keenan be SO excited to see what Santa brought him on Christmas morning! He loves his new big boy bike so much that we have been riding it everyday!

New bike

Playing with Keenan and his new toys (that he loaded onto his new flatbed truck) from Christmas!

IMG_6837 12.30.13

That’s it for today. Enjoy your day!


What was marvelous about your week (last week)?

How did you spend the holidays?