I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Look who turned 6 months old last week? I can’t believe it has already been half a year since she was born. Time goes by way too fast. She is full of personality, VERY ticklish, giggling all the time and such a happy baby. She just started rolling over from her tummy to her back and found her thumb about two weeks ago, making her an official thumb sucker! It’s so cute to see her suck her thumb, which she only does when she is tired and ready for bed.

6 months old

Anyhow, we are back from our week at the beach and since it’s Monday, I’m joining Katie for Marvelous In My Monday to share some of the highlights!

MiMM MIMM #111 Silent Weekend Highlights

Marvelous is being reunited with my best friend who lives in Oregon. We finally had babies at the same time. Her little guy (her third child) is 3 months older than Mirella.

best friends

Marvelous is watching Keenan and my friend’s daughter have so much fun together!


Marvelous is seeing these babies (and future friends) together. They are both such happy babies!


Marvelous is my two precious angels having fun in the sun together (though, no one wanted to smile at the same time!).

brother and sister

That’s it for now. We have a busy week ahead with Keenan’s birthday on Wednesday and his party on Saturday, so lots to do, but also lots of fun!


What was marvelous about your weekend?