I hope you all had a great weekend! It was a very productive weekend over here filled with lots of baking and fun at the pumpkin patch!

Do you ever get in a mood where all you want to do is bake and/or cook? For me, the mood usually strikes me when it’s cold and rainy outside, but for some reason (after browsing pinterest and catching up on my Real Simple issues) while everyone napped yesterday, I was ready to bake!

So, while the house was quiet, I whipped up a couple of desserts (that I wish I could take credit for!) and then made my husband’s favorite Fall dish, Spaghetti Squash Pasta Bake, for dinner. It made for a marvelous Sunday afternoon!

Marvelous is…

Katie’s fabulous Black Bean Brownies! This was my first time making brownies using black beans and it certainly won’t be my last! They are so decadent and my husband LOVED them (which is win win in my book!)! I love being able to indulge in a treat that you don’t feel guilty about!

Black Bean brownies

Katie’s Gooey Pumpkin Pudding Cake, which we ate with my husband’s homemade whipped cream for dessert last night. It was tasty, but it didn’t hold up as in Katie’s pictures. It was so good that Keenan and I had some more for breakfast this morning!

My spaghetti squash standby! Gotta love Fall casseroles!

Spaghetti Squash Casserole

Of course, fun at the pumpkin patch with Nonna!

Pumpkin Patch fun

Last, but not least, my two cuties cuddling on the couch together yesterday morning.


Thanks, Katie for hosting another Marvelous In My Monday!


What was marvelous about your weekend?

What do you like to bake when the mood strikes you?