I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

I wish we had more of a “real” weekend with some family time and time to relax, but Saturday was the start of walnut harvest, which means my husband will be working non-stop (even Sundays!) for the next 6-8 weeks, until it’s done. Even though I grew up in a farming family with my dad not available during this time of year due to harvest, it’s still HARD! It’s tough to go from having your husband around (with in reason, since his days are very long due to farming) to not having him around at all! On Saturday, he left the house at 6:20 a.m. and got home after 8:30 p.m. and had to go back out at 10:00 p.m. to check the dehydrator. After that first day, I was ready to be done! Keenan kept asking where daddy was, why he wasn’t home for dinner and why he couldn’t go to work with him. I felt bad, but soon enough we will all get used to this and get through it. It’s only a short time in the grand scheme of things, at least that is what I’m trying to tell myself, ha!

At least I was able to get a lot done around the house doing yard work, catching up on laundry, prepping food for the week and even making bread pudding with some leftover stale wheat bread. It was one of those weekends that was so productive that I need another two days to recover!

Despite the start of a crazy busy harvest, we still enjoyed some marvelous things over the past couple of days, thus I’m joining Katie for Marvelous In My Monday!

MiMM MIMM #116 Last of Vacation Pics + Homecoming

Marvelous is…

FINALLY getting our backyard done! Keenan is so excited to have a real yard to play in now (as you can see in the picture wearing only his underwear)! The next steps are putting his slide back on his play set, planting my winter garden in our new raised beds and finishing the outdoor kitchen, a project that will have to wait until after harvest when my husband has some free time again.

landscaped backyard

Kicking off walnut harvest with a nice wine toasting myself while waiting for my husband to come home!


Keenan going to work with my husband on Sunday and helping Avo fix the dehydrator!

Working on the farm

Freshly harvested walnuts! Fall is in the air!

walnut harvest


What was marvelous about your weekend?