Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend!

We are off to a great start with a couple of firsts…one for Mirella this weekend, as we started her on solids yesterday, and me officially kicking off my personal training and wellness coaching business this morning with my first client! It felt so good to be back doing something that I love and helping other women get fit and be their best self all while my kiddos were sleeping!

So, to share some of the marvelous things that have been happening around here, I’m joining Katie for Marvelous In My Monday today!

MiMM MIMM #115 Glow News, Unicorns, and Destination Beach!

Marvelous is…

Keenan helping me make Mirella’s oatmeal on Saturday (in his undies because we are pants free household these days!), which I’ll be posting the recipe later this week if you are interested. I made the same oatmeal for Keenan and it’s super easy!

making homemade baby food

Mirella’s face when she took her first spoonful of oatmeal. As you can see, she wasn’t a big fan of it! Keenan was so excited to help feed her but when he saw that she didn’t like it and started spitting it out, he kept telling me, “Mommy, she doesn’t like it, so stop feeding her!” It was priceless!

first solid food

My two little cuties!


My silly afternoon shake buddy. Keenan specifically requested that we make our shakes and drink them while we did puzzles!

Mommy and son being silly

And last, but not least, hitting my old (pre-pregnancy) deadlift PR of 205 lbs this morning! I actually lifted it 5 times, so next time I’m aiming for 215-225!!

Well, that’s it for today. Have a good one!


What was marvelous about your weekend?

Did/do you make homemade baby food for your children?