I am SUPER excited to write today’s post because I have fallen in love with a product line that I can’t wait to share with you! I love good smelling lotions but I have very sensitive skin, so most products cause a reaction, such as itching, redness and a rash. With that being said, I hardly venture out when it comes to skincare and body products; I only stick to a couple of brands that I know won’t cause any disturbances to my skin. Unfortunately, Keenan’s skin is like mine, so we have to use all natural products with him or his skin will breakout into a rash.

When Mother’s Therapy Organics contacted me and asked if they could send a sample of their products for review, I was excited, but also apprehensive at the same time. We have tried several all-natural, organic products and only a couple have worked, so I was a little uncertain about Mother’s Therapy, but still willing to give them a try. In our sample pack, we received their baby lotion, germ-fighting hand lotion and hand sanitizer.

Mother's Therapy Organics

When the package arrived, Keenan was so curious to what was inside, so we immediately opened it and tried out the hand sanitizer, followed by the germ-fighting lotion. The first thing that we both noticed was the incredible cucumber smell! It is so pleasant, refreshing and light! If the internet had the ability to do “scratch and sniff,” I would totally add that to my post, because it smells THAT good! Some other products that we have used are just “too smelly,” as Keenan likes to say, and the added fragrance is what causes our skin to react. After wearing the germ-fighting lotion for awhile and reapplying it after washing my hands later in the day, my hands felt soft, smelled good and no reaction was in site. I also love the bonus of getting a moisturizer and germ fighter all-in-one (very needed when you have kids and pets!).

After giving Keenan his bath that night, we used the baby lotion and it felt and smelled the same as the germ-fighting lotion. I lathered Keenan up, and by the next morning, his skin was fine and still smelled good! So, I’m happy to report that Mother’s Therapy Organics produces a wonderful and safe product line for ultra sensitive skin like mine and Keenan’s. The best part is their wonderful, fresh cucumber sent! For having very sensitive skin, it is nice to be able to use a product with a scent, since I’ve had to stay away from scented products for so long.

I highly recommend Mother’s Therapy Organics to anyone, even if you don’t have sensitive skin like I do. It feels great on your skin (lotion and hand sanitizer), leaves them soft and smelling great for hours! In addition, I love that their company is woman-owned and they use only safe, all natural and organic ingredients, so you never have to worry what you are putting on yours or your children’s skin.

Mother's Therapy Organics

If you are interested in trying Mother’s Therapy products for yourself, you can find them on amazon.

In the meantime, Mother’s Therapy Organics was so generous that they offered to send one lucky reader a family pack of their hand sanitizers!!

To enter the giveaway, please see below for some easy entries:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I was given all products for free and all opinions are my own.