I hope everyone had a nice Easter (for those of you who celebrate it)! We had a great day, and Keenan especially loved hunting for Easter eggs!

Cheney Fam. Easter 2014 4.21

Anyhow, I’m excited to share some great new (to me) products that a friend of mine shared with me recently, Norwex cleaning cloths, today! Norwex has been around for 20 years, starting in Norway. Their mission is to improve the quality of life by reducing the use of chemicals in our life. They have done this through their microfiber products where all you need is water to clean your home.

As a mom of two kids, time is of the essence, so I love finding products that allow me to clean faster, more efficiently and without chemicals. Norwex offers microfiber cleaning cloths that are very different than your standing microfiber cloths. They are smaller (1/200th of a human hair as opposed to 1/6th or 1/20th of standard cloths). Silver is embedded into the cloths which kills over 92% of bacteria, making them naturally antibacterial. So, all you need is a little water to dampen the cloth and you can clean any surface with it, (without using any cleaning agents or chemicals)!

You can see how their Envirocloth removes bacteria from a kitchen counter contaminated with raw chicken using only water here…

In addition, Norwex offers a dust mit that slips over your hand so you can easily wipe down wood or any dusty surface in your home. Its’ long microfiber fibers trap and hold the dust instead of kicking it back into the air, only making things dustier. There isn’t any residue left behind since you aren’t using any chemicals or oils, such as Pledge, making your surfaces stay cleaner longer!

After hearing about how good the cloths work from my friend, she gave me a sample (the Envirocloth, polishing cloth for mirrors/windows and the dust mit) to try out. I waited until I had a chance to clean my entire house so I could really put the cloths to the test. I didn’t use any cleaning agents, except on our toliets, sinks, bathtubs, showers and floors. I followed the directions and only used water on the Envirocloth for cleaning all surface,s and the polishing cloth for mirrors, windows and my kitchen appliances. I used the dust mit for wood, our piano, TV and appliances.

Norwex products

All I can say is WOW! I was so impressed because I was able to clean my entire house with only 3 things, no harsh chemicals in 1/3 of the time it usually takes me with my regular cleaning agents and cloths. Aside from that, I noticed things didn’t get dusty as fast as they usually do, thus staying cleaner longer! I was 100% sold and bought myself a set of the cloths, dust mit and a few cloths to use in my kitchen for everyday cleaning. Norwex also offers other products, such as bath and hand towels using the same microfiber, as well as natural cleaning agents, but I fell in love with their cloths the most.

If you would like to try any of the products, you can order them directly here! I guarantee you will fall in love with their cloths, too!

With that being said, my friend has kindly offered to give away a kitchen scrub cloth, laundry detergent and dishwashing liquid to one lucky reader!!

Norwex products

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