Today, we are on the road again, headed to the North Coast for a few days before my cousin’s wedding on Saturday.  I am looking forward to escaping the heat and relaxing a bit! Since coming back from Alaska, we have been on the go, so it will be nice to have a mini vacation for a couple of days.

Since Keenan had a doctor’s appointment (his 2 year check-up) in Davis this morning, we had to pack-up and get out the door quickly. To get one last workout in (though, we are planning to do a workout on the beach either tomorrow or Friday), I got up bright and early to attend the 7:00 a.m. CrossFit class. After not working out in the morning for a long time (and going to bed late last night; I know, not early like I had wanted), it was hard for my body to get moving this morning. I felt like I was in slow motion! My body is certainly accustomed to working out in the afternoon!

Today’s WOD was: Three rounds of 25 pullups, 25 see the lights (women weight: 25 lb plate) and 25 box jumps with a 15 minute time cap. Prior to that, our skill was 70 hollow rocks, 30 bridge ups, 50 grasshoppers and 10 bridge ups. After yesterday’s workout, going to bed late and waking-up early this morning, my body was tired, to say the least! I’m glad I did it and got one last grueling WOD in!

Enjoying his breakfast this morning!

After I got back from the gym, we ate breakfast: the last of the oatmeal peach crisp with Greek yogurt and blackberries on top. My husband and I also had iced coffees, using his coffee concentrate. Before I forget, I had a small snack of half of a banana and a teaspoon of peanut butter prior to going to CrossFit this morning.

My breakfast.

Keenan has to be cutting some more teeth because the past few days he was been unusually fussy, not sleeping as well (shorter naps) and getting upset over the littlest things. This morning, he wanted breakfast and then he didn’t want it. He wanted to drink water out of 3 cups, and immediately got upset when I told him he could only choose one cup. He also seems tired, overall.  Needless to say, I think (and hope) his recent behavior is due to teething since he is usually an easygoing child! How do you help your child and/ or children manage teething? Any tips or advice for making them feel better?

At Keenan’s doctor appointment, his Pediatrician (Dr. O) agreed that he is probably working on his 2nd year molars. So, teething it is, ugh! Poor little guy, he got his Hep A booster and a flu shot at his appointment, so in addition to his teeth, Keenan isn’t going to be feeling too well.

Enjoying his lunch!

After Keenan’s appointment, we ate our lunch that we packed (peanut butter, honey and banana sandwiches with carrots and peaches), at Davis’s Central Park. After we were finished, Keenan played for a bit, before we got back in the car to get gas and run an errand prior to beginning our long road trip.

Playing in the park!

My husband had heard of this great beer shop in Davis, so of course, we stopped there to pick-up some unique beers to take with us. Keenan kept saying, “Keenan get the beer,” while we were in the store. He is definitely his Daddy’s son! 🙂

Well, after a LONG 4 hour drive (with a stop in Healdsburg for cupcakes!), we arrived in Gualala. Now, time to unpack, settle-in and eat dinner! Have a good night!