Isn’t it amazing how much better you feel after working out? I missed working out so much over the past couple of weeks that it really affected my mood and how I felt about myself. Moving, unpacking boxes and swimming with Keenan in my parents’ pool doesn’t really count as “real” exercise in my book, so finally doing a true workout this morning felt AWESOME!  Since Keenan woke up super early this morning, he and I went outside, and while he played, I did my WOD. It was the perfect time to workout since it was still nice and cool! Here is what I did this morning:


2 rounds:

50 double unders

10 toy soldiers

10 lateral squats


3 rounds for time:

20 kettlebell swings (35 lb)

30 abmat sit ups

40 double unders

Double unders

Since I hadn’t worked out in two weeks, I took today a little slow, but I look forward to hitting it harder tomorrow with push ups, kettlebell snatches and jump squats!

I’m not only feeling good after working out, but I’m happy to report that we got some more unpacking done last night! All of our books are unpacked and tucked neatly in our living room’s built-in book shelves! I didn’t realize how many books and cookbooks (which we hardly use!) my husband and I have accumulated over the years!

Last but not least, I’m especially EXCITED to announce my “One Year Blog Anniversary Giveaway!” Since we were in the middle of moving on my actual blog anniversary, June 29th, I wasn’t able to do anything fun, but now, I can celebrate by sharing some great goodies! I can’t believe it has already been one year since I started this blog. I have learned so much (and I’m still learning something new everyday!) and met so many incredible blogger friends. It has been an awesome journey and I look forward to another year!

One Year Blog Anniversary

So, in honor of my blog’s one year anniversary, I’m giving away two of my favorite things that I reviewed over the past year…

Sweaty Bands

The best headband for keeping your hair in place during workouts. I wear my band for almost every workout and it never moves, no matter how intense the workout!

KiZE Bars

Seriously one of the best snack/protein/meal replacements bar I have ever eaten. I love having some for on-the-go, pre or post-workout snacks!

 To enter the giveaway, see details below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway