I hope everyone’s Tuesday is going well!

I’m excited to share a new local almond butter company that I recently had the privilege of trying…Paleo Sweet Tooth. They are literally just a stone’s throw away from my hometown. I’m so glad that I stumbled upon them, especially since I LOVE nut butter, as many of you know if you follow my blog.

Paleo Sweet Tooth Almond Butter

Paleo Sweet Tooth is a small company in Oakdale, California that is run by two full-time business women and moms to young children. They are both advocates for staying active and nourishing their families with whole foods that are free of preservatives, artificial sweeteners and hydrogenated oils (two women after my own heart!). Their mission is to offer delicious almond butter using only the best natural ingredients.

They first experimented with a Paleo dessert/snack bar, called the CrossBar. While making their bars, they used several different brands of almond butter but weren’t satisfied with the quality of any of the products, thus the birth of their own almond butters was born: Honey, Maple and Beet.

With that being said, the ladies at Paleo Sweet Tooth kindly sent over a sample pack of their almond butters a couple of weeks ago and I thought what better way to taste them would be to enlist the help of my handy, dandy helper. As you can tell, he LOVED all of them, scooping up every last morsel.

Tasting Paleo Sweet Tooth

But, his favorite flavor was…

I have to say my favorite flavor is probably the maple butter, too, but the honey comes in at a close second, especially adding it to my morning bowl of oats!

Bowl of oats with Paleo Sweet Tooth Almond Butter

In all seriousness, these nut butters are out of this world! I used to be a big fan of Justin’s Maple Almond Butter, but Paleo Sweet Tooth’s nut butter gives Justin’s a run for its’ money. The texture is creamy, not grainy, it’s not overly sweet and best of all, you don’t have to refrigerate it once it’s open! I’ll definitely be sticking with Paleo Sweet Tooth from now on. Also, I love that Paleo Sweet Tooth uses coconut oil and raw honey, where most other nut butters, such as Justin’s, use palm oil and maple sugar, which aren’t the most healthiest ingredients.

Since the ladies at Paleo Sweet Tooth were so generous, they are offering a discount to Fit ‘n’ Well Mommy readers of $1.00 off each jar by using the code: FRIENDS when you purchase any of their nut butters from their site!

Also, they have offered to give away one nut butter of your choice by entering the contest below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this review and all opinions are my own.